you can delete them. these are the object entries, not the references of them placed in the world. what happened is that when the author placed these items, and tweaked either the scale or ownership, the author hit 'save' instead of closing out those entries. this saves the object instead of just the reference. this just means that this master file will cancel out any changes to those entries from plug-ins/masters loaded before it.
screenshot of the imperfect:
Nope thats not there in my version :S
some more items:
belladonna in -43 -15
chargen oar left in -43 -15 - i don't think this is used in chargen, but generally not a good idea to use chargen stuff
misc_com_silverware_fork_uni in a16 crater bed - this is a unique item for mournhold quest, it should use misc_com_silverware_fork instead
|->same issue in slather-mar headquarters
misc_com_wood_knife_uni1 in riller-mosh, trader ship - this is used for balyn omavel's quest, and will mess up script. use misc_com_wood_knife instead
misc_com_wood_spoon_01_uni2 in a13 crater's bed - this is used for balyn omavel's quest, and will mess up script. use misc_com_wood_spoon_01 instead
misc_de_goblet_01_redas in b03 mushroom glen - quest item, use misc_de_goblet_01 instead
misc_com_bucket_boe_UNI in riller-mosh -42 -15 & -43 -15 - will mess up boethiah's daedra quest, use misc_com_bucket_01 instead
misc_com_bucket_boe_UNIa in riller-mosh -43 -15 same as above
misc_com_bucket_boe_UNIb in walk the plank armory, c05 strider galley, a02 crater bed, & -42 -15 - same as above
misc_com_metal_plate_07_UNI1 in riller mosh -41 -16 - used in balyn omavel's quest and messes up script. use misc_com_metal_plate_07 instead.
will get on to fixing these problems

is the comberry juice suppose to be an ingredient? seems like it should be a potion. not sure about the porriage or soup though. though all three of these seem more fitting as potions rather than ingredients.
Comberry juice is the CS id name for matze or sjumba - cant remember off the top of my head.
Porriage and soup are no longer in the ESM - they were removed early on as dirty refrences to morrowind crafting.