I have 10 fingers!
Is there a logical reason that I can not wear more, I guess you could argue the same about amulets but really who what's to run around Skyrim looking like Mr..T.....(I do). With that being said I am sure it has to be a bug/glitch that I can't wear all of these chains and ring's.
Side note: isn't there a glitch that lets you wear more than one thing?
Random stuff:
A mirror shield would have been awesome..reflect [censored] back at peeps.
Love sprint! why no sprint jump?
Wish I could throw my sword.
Does the bow zoom in?
LOL! I jumped my horse off a mountain! he died but I LIVED!!! awesome wish they had theater mode on Skyrim!!
30+ hours in....is there a main quest? currently searching for some kind of flowers or something....I hope this pay off.
1. They should at least let you have 1 ring per hand. I think they did this for balancing I guess.
2. Mirror shield is a good idea. Or just differetn shields that reflect certain magic idk.
3. Sprint jump should've been included as well. Feels wierd without it.
4. You can throw your sword by dropping it, then picking it up and haphazardly tossing it in the general direction of an enemy lol. Maybe specific "throwing" weapons would be better. Like they had in previous games.
5. The bow does zoom in, it's a perk later down the skill tree. It slows down time too.
6. A "main" quest does exist, yet for some reason the game keeps side-tracking and losign players in it's overwhelming awesome world.