So you make a decision and are angry about consequences like someone not wanting to deal with you? Come on. This is a bloody RPG. ^_^
I know fully well about action and consequence. (And I love games that emphasize on it.)
What I got raving mad about was that it was crap design.
With the almost hidden winch, with the forced use of xbow even though I've never touched one before and with that I couldn't unequip my fire crystal so I could equip my xbow.
Action and consequence is fine, but a design choice that is easy to miss and hard to process is not a good one.
And failing to code or script or whatever it is so I actually "unequip" my fire crystal is also badly done which just added to the already high frustration.
Have you ever played Morrowind? Think of the factions in Risen like the three Great Houses you can join in Morrowind. You can't do all those quests on one playthrough, because they oppose each other.
Let me restate that: Make sure that the main quest can be completable for any kind of character.
Since I was a mage I'm relying on Telekinesis, Nautilus and Levitation spells to get through dungeons.
And at this point it forces me to use an xbow on a winch which doesn't make that much sense to me.
How am I as a mage who's gone through everything prior to this with my mage spells suppose to figure out that a wooden stick with a pointy end can turn a winch 30 meters away?
I don't care if I can't do every quest in one playthrough, hell, that's a good thing as it encourages me to replay the game in order to experience all the content.
What I care about is when I have a main quest that I cannot continue with my character cause I'm stuck at a part where I have no idea of how I'm suppose to solve the quest.