I will try and raise an army of Draugr and wait for 24 hours to raise them again and again until I have over 100. We will then attack and take over all of Skyrim.
Do you have to reanimate them one at a time or is it an area effect, effecting all nearby dead things?
Ah ok cool. Funny thing I was just thinking abotu starting a thread then I saw Michaelpk's thread. Sorry for hijacking your thread Mike. Now it's a power so there's no warm up motioning to the spell like the master level spells right?
Sorry to tell you this.. but if you wait an hour all your previous raised draugr will have been reduced to ash.
the uesp says they dont get turned into ash after it wears off.
Cool, I have yet to get the Dawngaurd add-on, but you have given me a good idea for my evil character when I get it. Having a army of undead sounds really fun.
So you're thinking of becoming a male Potema? Awesome.
Is that the one
I have it active on the Aethrium Crown from Lost to the Ages on my Vampire/Necromancer playthrough. Unlimited undead army ftw.
How exactly does it work with the Aethrium Crown?
I used it on Ulfric to take him to the Hall of the Dead, out of respect and all that. Couldn't have him laying there in the Palace of Kings forever. It should work on Tullius. Does not work on dragiinz
Use it. Take it off. Put it on again. Like the Ring of Hircine.
I know. It's just that I have been thinking about a truely evil character I'd like to make just for that DLC and this is a great idea. So good I may not even wait till I get the DLC to start my character.
Ah... After much preaching, trail and error, they finally become enlightened... good. now you are beginning to understand, mortal.
Get the aetherial crown so you can abuse the ritual stone like every minute, lol. Just keep in mind you're on console though, so don't go overboard. Past 20 thralls can your keep will start to get laggy.
My advice for the epic lolz? Gather up 10 or so Draugr Deathlords and Overlords, and then attack a city... fus... RO DAH RO DAH RO RO RO DAH RO DA DAH DAH DAH RO DAH fus DAH RO RO DAH DAH... Every other minute.
It's more beautiful than hearing angels sing. Just be careful if your wearing ear-phones... the volume...
With the Aetherium Crown worn you can take a standing stone but your last stone will also be kept. Gives you two standing stone effects at the same time.
It works on EVERYONE except those whose level exceeds 75.