[WIP] Rivet City Mod

Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:24 pm

Hey everyone, I've been working on and off on this for about 6 months now, at least. At some point a while ago I decided I wasn't happy with the size or scope of Rivet City or what it had to offer the player in terms of an aesthetic or gameplay experience. So I set out to make it bigger, badder, and better. Below are some screenshots of the GECK work I've done, a lot of it isn't really shown there, but just to get an idea. So far what I've made are probably 20 buildings for new NPCs to live in, an elementary school, 2 bars (one shady, one a little more trustworthy), an underground boxing cagematch place (it's not like a UFC octagon or anything, I'm quite lore/believable conscious (IE there won't be any light sabers or WWE fighters or any of that crap..er stuff...in this mod)) 2 greenhouses, a big double grain silo, an ammo mill (like the Pitt one), a gun refurbishing/repair/vendor shop (so it makes sense that people still have working guns), a radio tower (as of now it doesn't have a station, just there for looks), a building from where you will be able to get clean water once you've finished the MQ, and a bigger medical facility amongst other things. I've added several guards for the new entrance and perimeter walls. A bunch of new NPCs (from bartenders to vendors to beggars to fighters for the illegal boxing matches) have been added, but still need fleshing out.


Just a little more info, the city is in two parts, there's the stuff that's been built on the carrier itself, and then there's the sprawl that's taken root on the shore immediately off of the carrier. Due to layout limitations caused by the previous structure used to gain access to the city, I had to scrap it and add a different set up, but fear not, that awesome swinging walkway is still there! :D

I'm a big fan of making places really feel alive and thriving and diverse, so there are idle animations as well as other things (wall lean markers, floor sit markers, lean-on-railing markers (looks great on the deck), sit-on-ledge markes, etc.) thrown in all over the place, and I've made sure to make NPCs that will use them, so the city life won't just feel like it exists only on the paths between buildings, but on the walkways that run up alongside them, and above you as you walk through the city. It's a really awesome feeling!

For diversity and story's sake, the buildings on land tend to be inhabited by somewhat scuzzier NPCs who operate somewhat scuzzier operations. For example the underground cage fights take place in a basemant on the shore, the drug (morphine, jet, etc.) trade is focused more on the shore, there are more beggars and even a slaver or two who manage to linger about unnoticed. Whereas on the deck there's a more friendly pub type place, the Rivet City elementary, more houses, some industry, a bit of agriculture, the hospital, etc..
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:33 pm

Oh wow, that's awesome!

I've also long been working intermittently on a Rivet City mod, but I actually deleted all the exterior work I'd done so as not to interfere with other mods. What you've done looks much better!

I've continued work on the interior: although there are certain aspects that would overlap (such as having more than one school, bar, etc) I see Rivet City as being like Morrowind's Mournhold - when you're dealing predominantly with interiors you have a near-infinite capacity for expansion, so you can plug dozens of mods into each other to create the sort of massive, sprawling city you'd expect to actually exist in a place like this :)
(I expect in a year or two for people to be using your mod plus maybe 2-3 interior expansions)

Anyway, forgive my rambling, but I very much look forward to seeing what you come up with. :D
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:12 am

Hot saucy muffins!

princess_stomper is looking forward to my mod! Too cool lol.

Anyway, that's actually great that you're doing interior stuff, because I haven't done a SINGLE thing to any of the interiors, so any work you're doing (which I have no doubt will be fantastic) combined with my exterior stuff should make for quite the expansion to the originally underwhelming town that was Rivet City.

*EDIT: does anyone know how hard/easy it is to do voice work using the GECK? I plan on getting a semi-decent mic for my film work one of these days, so that's not a problem. Is it as easy as recording it, converting it to the right format, and showing the GECK where to find the files?
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:54 pm

ok, so just from looking at the first picture i could see about 6 billion people lining up to use this!!
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:34 am

Looks awesome, bet it kills the frame rate (seems like its all outside?).

BUT my one question is why is there a monorail sitting in it? I find it highly unlikely they could move one on top of an aircraft carrier and the giant RED and WHITE color scheme just screams I dont belong here with the black, grey and brown of the carrier.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:18 pm

Looks awesome, bet it kills the frame rate (seems like its all outside?).

BUT my one question is why is there a monorail sitting in it? I find it highly unlikely they could move one on top of an aircraft carrier and the giant RED and WHITE color scheme just screams I dont belong here with the black, grey and brown of the carrier.

Those were re-purposed to be grain silos. They fixed the big cargo crane and used it to get them up. Just made that up but it works IMO. :D

And yeah, frame rates may be an issue for less than stellar comps, especially with all the NPCs and animations I have them doing.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:09 am

Now that's what Rivet City should have been like. I always felt it was insanely small to be such a prominent city. At the very least, they could have made the bowels of the city a dungeon type thing.

But this is awesome work.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:12 pm

Now that's what Rivet City should have been like. I always felt it was insanely small to be such a prominent city. At the very least, they could have made the bowels of the city a dungeon type thing.

But this is awesome work.

Hey thanks a lot Ashven, I'm very much looking forward to trying out your "Do It Yourself" mod, looks like the kind of thing I've been waiting for/wanting to do myself for ages!

Seeing as I've got all these awesome GECK people in this thread, do any of you know of any sign/letter modder's resources around? I've been looking for letters (other than those generic blackish scrap-looking ones) to use for signage in my mod for a while now. Anyway, let me know, thanks for all the kind replies!
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:30 pm

Don't know about any resources, but with an image editor and a fonts site you can pretty quickly crank out any letters you need. Just make single character textures and apply them to the aisle sign or poster meshes.
Making them really polished, with normal maps etc, is a bit more involved but not hard.

Edit: Am I correct in assuming it's not released?
Also, will it be BS-compatible? The caravan on the shore would probably conflict with your mod if you haven't taken it into account.
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