Just a little more info, the city is in two parts, there's the stuff that's been built on the carrier itself, and then there's the sprawl that's taken root on the shore immediately off of the carrier. Due to layout limitations caused by the previous structure used to gain access to the city, I had to scrap it and add a different set up, but fear not, that awesome swinging walkway is still there!
I'm a big fan of making places really feel alive and thriving and diverse, so there are idle animations as well as other things (wall lean markers, floor sit markers, lean-on-railing markers (looks great on the deck), sit-on-ledge markes, etc.) thrown in all over the place, and I've made sure to make NPCs that will use them, so the city life won't just feel like it exists only on the paths between buildings, but on the walkways that run up alongside them, and above you as you walk through the city. It's a really awesome feeling!
For diversity and story's sake, the buildings on land tend to be inhabited by somewhat scuzzier NPCs who operate somewhat scuzzier operations. For example the underground cage fights take place in a basemant on the shore, the drug (morphine, jet, etc.) trade is focused more on the shore, there are more beggars and even a slaver or two who manage to linger about unnoticed. Whereas on the deck there's a more friendly pub type place, the Rivet City elementary, more houses, some industry, a bit of agriculture, the hospital, etc..