
Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:21 am

Jonny Picked up his 44.

"I admire your courage, thats why if you stick with me I'll teach you how survive anything you encounter."

Jonny nodded to mark and hade enother ciggerte but something happened

"What the [censored] do you have against the BoS those Enclave [censored] deserved to die! And I have killed many of them during my BoS day's! Yeah your talking to a Lyons Pride member you little bastard! And you say your the greatest assassin in the wastes prove it! You say your a biggot and yet you do nothing about the Ghoul standing right infront of you!"

The man made jonny wonder if he was thinking of sicide

"You foolish, foolish boy. I'm gonna' show you something."

Mark got his Pistol, and pointed it right into Joshawa's skull.

Jonny didnt like this at all

"I am not afraid of some wannabe assassin, you know what I dare you to shoot me, do it! My life has been ruined on multiple occasions! You would be doing me a favor!" Josh replied.

Jonny grabed marks pistol from his hands.

"No ones going to shoot each other not infrount of the leader of the roamers, arnt you" Jonny said to the man watching them.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:29 pm

OOC: Don't wanna sound like I'm taking control, but it's just character. Old man preaching to the choir.

"Jonny is the only man here who can speak some sense. You two, get some God damned common sense, eh? We all came here for a new start; not an ending." Said Ivan, all ready feeling annoyed by the childish group of people.

Ivan was a grown man multiplied by three lifetimes, and he still cared for other's lives. He didn't want Jonny, even the Bigot to die on their way to a new land. He knew, though, that as much wisdom he preached to the small group of Roamers, that none of it would pass through their skulls.

Everyone thinks being a Ghoul is a curse, when it's actually a blessing. knowledge, wisdom, experience... Ivan wasn't like all Ghouls; weak, unresponsive, or murderous and hungry for human flesh. He had feelings, and was like any other human being. The only problem was his skin.

"How about, we all just calm the [censored] down? Eh? Nobody's killing anybody, unless it's *us* killing raiders, thieves, and any other God damned humanoid out there. We're all officially in this together, so let's act like it. Grow up."
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:22 am

((Don't worry Comedian, I'm not gonna' kill your character. Just setting up some good storylines.))

Mark felt uneasy about Ivan's words. He walked confidently up to the Ghoul and stared him face down.

"I'm not falling for your little ploy, you're not going to fool me. I know your gonna' try to kill one of us eventually and I'll be there to counter anything you throw at me. I'm really impatient."

Mark unveiled one of the blades in his leather glove, he had up to the Ghouls neck as he smirked.

"You don't have feelings, the only thing you have is a blood thirst. You're no better than these Feral Ghouls. Unless you can prove to me you have a heart, you have feelings I'll spare your life. But my former employer Daniel Littlehorn told me whenever a Ghoul is in range, take um' out. So Ivan, I even feel its funny someone like you has a name to begin with, what are we going to do with your townspeople?"

Ivan looked shocked.

"I bet you remember, a few years ago a hit was carried out on a former minister of your town. I killed him. I know everything about you and your life Ivan. I know everything about every man here. I know who's in control of the Roamers, so you can now step forward or he dies.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:36 pm

Dan sat back in his chair as the group descended into chaos. 'This is not a great start at all,' he thought as he stood up but himself a drink. He ordered a shot of whiskey, threw his head back and swallowed. He motioned the owner to bring him a bottle and set a handful of metal bottle caps on the table. He one long drag, felt the warmth in his throat spread throughout his body, then sat back down. "Alright, who's next," he called out holding the bottle in the air.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:34 am

The man named Jonny grabed marks pistol from his hands and then said.

"No ones going to shoot each other not infront of the leader of the roamers, are you" Jonny said to the man watching them.

Josh then heard Mark say he knows everything about everyone hear, that made Josh even Madder.

"You do not know nothing about me and you Jonny we won't shoot each other but you said nothing about this" Josh said, he turned to Mark and punched him in the face then tackled him to the ground, Josh pulled a Switchblade and held it to Mark's throat.

"Any last words!" Josh said.
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:49 pm

Mark was breathing heavily, he embraced Josh's words.

"Nope, I always believed actions speak louder than words."

Mark grabbed a syringe from his pocket, he injected into Josh's neck as Josh collapsed.

"It should ware off in 10 minutes, now let this be lesson to anyone else who confronts me."

Mark sat back down the rock, as he opened a black case. The case contained everything he needed to know about the other Roamers, and it contained 10,000 caps from his last mission.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:42 am

Jonny could see mark ejecting a sirum into joshs neck makeing him fall asleep.

"Damn"jonny said

Jonny looked up and could see a man ordering whiskey shots and calling out to them it made him laugh and reminded him of himself before the manhattan war so he walked to the man and rose his hand.

"The names jonny crusade perhapes you are going to join the roamers also my friend"he said
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:53 am

Mark smirked as he looked around.

"Does anyone want to make 5000 caps? What about you zombie?"
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:40 am

"Nice to meet you sir," Dan said through a smile holding out the bottle," Mediation through intoxication, if only the rest of this lot could follow that. My name is Dan by the way."
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:41 am

((OOC: I can only assume you mean me. By the way, don't take Ivan's dikeitude that badly :]))

Ivan watched Mark pull out a case, smirk, and say "Does anyone want to make 5000 caps? What about you zombie?"

Glaring, Ivan said "And, I assume you mean me, chauvinist pig? What's a man like you doing with that kind of money, blowing it on beer and [censored]s? Certainly you've no one to love.

"I'm no hedonist, but I'm interested in what you want for the money. Anything to send back to my home, I suppose."
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:17 am

id like to play along with this if thats cool and there is stil places :) please exuse any grammatical errors my keyboard is kinda broken

Zoey leant back against the wall with the chair she was sitting on, quietly laughing to herself as these men argued and fought

"this is gonna be one hell of a journey"

taking a final swig of her beer she made sure the straps on her leather armour were tight enough, Standing up she flicked her brown hair back behind her ear

"guess i should go meet the crew" walking over to the group she nodded kindly to the ghoul who seemed to have had a hard time of the guy in the suit, she stopped and looked as the uncocious guy started to come around.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:49 am

((Sure you can join))
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:10 am

((thanks ive put my first bit up in my first post))
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sally R
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:19 am

Mark chuckled as he glared at Ivan

"Beer is for the inconsistent people. I'm a Hitman, I spend my money on equipment and any intel I can get on my targets. It seems to me you're interested in the money. I have a price on someones head and their is to much complications with me and the target for me to assassinate him. So since you offered I'll give you the job. If you leave no evidence I'll give you a bonus. I'll give you the required equipment. If you get on my good side, then I promise I won't kill you."

Mark smirked as he left the proposition wide open.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:17 pm

((OOC: What d'ya say you make whoever the hit is an evil-does, eh? That way Mark can gain some respect for Ivan, and Ivan wont go against his morals.))

Ivan pondered the dirty work.

"I've no need to kill someone undeserving of death. Give me a name, and give me an example of evil this person committed. Otherwise, I will not take the job. No one deserves death brought on them; unless they've caused enough pain in those around."

Like you, chauvinist murderer.

Ivan needed money, and a way to send it back home. He figured a trustworthy boy could deliver an unknown package. He didn't, however, want to go against his morals and kill someone who was innocent. As long as this hit was a bad person, and committed an act of evil, then Ivan would rid him of his undeserving life. It all depended on what Mark had to say next.
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:43 am

Jony could see another person a girlwalk to the two men wanting to meet the group.

"Hold on for one second my friend"said jonny

Jonny didnt want the women to haft to go thought the [censored] that happened earlier so he walked to the women and held out his hand

"My names jonny crusade and are you looking to become a roamer also"he said
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:55 am

"Holy hell you people confuse me!" Dan stated in a half yell," If we all actually get anything done I'll crap my pants." Essesntially, Dan's life had just been completley devolved from the organized disipline of a mercenary army to a gaggle assorted wasteland "For Christ's sake we just knocked out our supposed leader and I feel like I'm just standing around watching mole rats fight over a dead brahmin. Can we get just a little order?" Then he turned to the ghoul and the man in the suit," You two, Rotface and Bald Wonder Boy, try not to kill each other or bore us to sleep with some long winded moral speech on the meaning of life. Do carry on, I don't want to inhibit your business transaction."

((not that i dont like where this is going, i just got bored and wanted to yell at everyone))
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:53 am

Joshawa got up any everyone was around the bar, he walked up to the Hitman and pulled a Pistol from his side, he put it to the back of the man's head, he could kill him right now but he decided not to.

"You ever [censored] do something like that again and I will [censored] kill you in the blink of a eye!" Josh said.

"Yeeeee' ha!!!!!! You are all crazy litte [censored]s aren't ya! Nice to meet you all, me name is Mordecai Jones, now I ain't from these parts, no I hail from Texas! And boy, oh boy this place is crazzzzzzzzzzzzy!" Mordecai said in his Texan accent.
"Now, how about ya'll settle down and come to my house, it's in the housing district, the very right of it!" Mordecai said.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:15 am

Jony could see another person a girlwalk to the two men wanting to meet the group.

"Hold on for one second my friend"said jonny

Jonny didnt want the women to haft to go thought the [censored] that happened earlier so he walked to the women and held out his hand

"My names jonny crusade and are you looking to become a roamer also"he said

shaking jonny's hand, Zoey was quite taken back by this level of politness "sure am, names Zoey Sharp and you are? jonny was it?"

after releasing jonny's hand she pulled her sniper rifle of her back and pulled the cocking handle to make sure the chamber was clear before loading five rounds into the chamber

while still talking to johnny she glanced a quick look at the bald guy with the case and suit and thought to her self 'wastelands greatest assassin, we'll see'

she turned her attention back to jonny not even noticing the guy with the funny accent who'd just spoken up
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:17 am

Mark smirked as he glanced at Ivan.

"The man you're going to kill is my brother. He betrayed me and my entire family. I want him dead, he's now the leader of Talon Merc's. I may be a hired assassin, but I won't kill a child something he has done. I can't face doing it myself, if you do this it may change my perception of Ghouls and it would show you do care. Also, I'll need body brought to me for personal reasons. What do you say?"

Mark turned around and shouted.

"Josh, Even if you could shoot me you wouldn't. I know you better than anyone else here, and I know your morality is higher than just about anyone else. I advise you not to try that again, or I will kill you."

Mark grabbed his briefcase and looked around, in the far distance it would seem it was seem something terrible would happen. Five Enclave Soldiers were heading their way.

"Everyone please be quiet, I can save all of your lives except for you Ivan. The Enclave will kill you in an instant if they see you're a Ghoul hide somewhere. I can reason with them."

The Soldiers had their Rifles ready and were just about to pull the the triggers on them, but they noticed Mark.
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:43 am

((Whoops changing my char's name been using the wrong person my bad guys the names changing from lorna to zoey sorry guys))

as Mark pointed out the enclave soilders, Zoey had her weapon raised and ready

"make one bad move and one of you will loose your head quicker than you can blink, shortly followed by the rest of you. You wont be the first enclave a**holes ive killed"

Zoey gripped her rifle tensly just waiting for them to make the first move

"the BoS are all over the place around megaton how did theese a**holes get in here?"
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:08 pm

"Their in the rong place"said jonny

Jonny loaded his 1887 shotgun and his 44. with no flaws, he lit a ciggrete and smoked it waiting for enclave.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:31 am

"Bet they've come about the broadcast too, tell you what though there is no way im letting them come with us they'll die first"

Zoey called over her shoulder to Mark "If your gonna do somthing you bettr do it quick baldy! cause my trigger finger is getting itchy"
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:31 am

((Since I will be controling multiple characters I will put there names before I post))

Joshawa, Megaton Market

"Enclave! Just what we [censored] need! And you Mark, don't be to sure I could put you down right now, without regret!" Josh said.
He grabbed his SCAR and held it in his hands, he would kill the Enclave Members, no doubt about it.

Mordecai, Megaton Market

"Well that is just jolly I am out of er' if you want me i'll be in mah house!" Mordecai said. He stormed off.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:07 pm

Jonny was tired of the place he was in so he kicked down the door and shot three enclave members in the head wiht his 44, then he ran up to one and exacuted him by brecking his neck. one of the members was on the ground begging him not to shoot.

"Sorry I cant hear you"jonny said

He kicked the man head in makeing a chunk breck out.

"Im going to be at mordecaris"jonny said
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