Basically I had the idea of making an addon to Toasty's Robco Certified mod that allows you to turn your Robotic expertise into an entreprenoural business. I had two ideas for this:
1. More accurate Packaged Bot prices: My only real complaint about Toasty's Mod is the very haphazard pricing for the packaged robots. (Example: Protectrons are priced at 4999 caps while gutsies are priced at 1999 caps... how does that make sense?) And the fact that Crazed Inventor Junk bots don't have a price at all?
So right now I need some suggestions for revised prices for every single bot in the mod, especially junkbots since they don't have any price on them whatsoever.
(also, some way to sell Hoverbrains, scuttlebrains, cybercreatures etc?)
2. Specialized customers. Basically add in a few customers that you could sell your bots to (through dialogue rather than normal means) for bigger profits (and/or faction rep plus karma). The caveat would be that they'd only accept certain bots.
Here's My ideas so far:
Mr. House/YesMan: Pays 2x (2.5x or more if you have high enough barter) per bot. Buys: Securitrons only. (Informs you that in recent years he's managed to lose a few of his securitrons to various sources, and that a few broken models have wound up on the black market. He would like you to retrieve his "personal property" for him and will pay you generously to do so)
Old Lady Gibson: Pays 1.5x-2x Buys: Junkbots only.
Major Polatli: Pays full price. Also adds Karma and NCR rep. Buys: Anything that can fight. (In other words, anything that has some sort of attack) (He needs support to deal with the legion. And in desperation he's turned to some... unorthodox sources.)
It's a start, but I need input for more "specialized customers" . Specifically I need three things for each: Who they are, [i]How[i] much they're willing to pay (and what kind of karma gain/loss and faction rep you'll get too) [i] what [i] they want to buy (or don't want to buy) and some possible explaination for it.