After leaving the cell I was in when I loaded the game, holstering/drawing and unequipping have no effect on the problem. I've tried different variations, not having it equipped when leaving the cell etc, to no effect. Simply re-loading a saved game has no effect either. I have to shut the game down and restart it.
EDIT: Soo... I just went back into the game to try fiddling around a bit to see if I can pin down why it's acting funny... and it works all fine now? Glowy shows up properly and turns into junkbots, entering and leaving a cell don't stop it from working now. Haven't changed or fiddled with my load order at all, so I can't explain it.
Fiddled a bit around trying to make sense of the bug and I noticed something just now. I loaded up my game inside my Megaton house and the TV didn't light up inside Moira's. Not even if I resaved/restarted inside the house and went to her shop. But if I saved just outside her shop and restarted it would work when I went inside. Maybe it has something to do with the Megaton House or if you save inside a Cell with no TVs/Ovens? Just trying to make sense out of something that I have no experience with. Hope it helps a bit. Will test some more after work
Sounds like the error is down to me forgetting to zero a variable or something, then,
Shouldn't the junkbots require you to have a packed 'bot in your inventory corresponding to the parts you cannibalized from them? Where'd the robo-ambulatory parts come from, otherwise? Where'd the robot brain come from?
As TwilightWalker says, that's what the robot spare parts are for. Otherwise you'd need a Robobrain to dismantle for any junkbot with tracks, which would entirely remove the perk's use at low levels. Junkbots are intended to be cheap, weak, easily-replaced things.