sentrybot and mr gutsy says faction 0000
protrectron and robobrain gives error, they are not correct
none of them follow without being commanded to.
i am using fose 1.2beta 3
fomm 11.7
i switched to fose 1.2bet 2 and got no faction # on anyone, and protectron & robobrain saying that they are not correct.
factions are showing now as 000. I also have some lost robots in the wasteland, and they don't follow very well, unlike the old version. I have entered building and fast traveled and they don't follow sometimes. Settings not saving?
i tried to enter zeta, but it crashed at the onboard cut scene until i decativated your new robco. I reactivated after savin onboard zeta. i gave myself 4 bots in the prison cell, but they disappeared.
i got the xenotech, but when i tried to repair a guardian drone, i got CTD.