RobCo Fun! and Other Mini-Games

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:43 pm

Lots of talk about Fallout 4 itself, but very little about the newly added mini games we can play on our Pip Boy that make reference to some of the old retro games we all know and love. I personally like playing them every so often when my character is resting back at home in Red Rocket or for the night in one of the towns. svck at Red Menace and Atomic Command as I do with the original Donkey Kong and Missile Command, however love playing Zeta Invaders and Pipfall.

Although despite how much I like playing these games on occasion, I still can't help but to miss some other types of mini-games that could have been. New Vegas had plenty of gambling mini-games considering its setting, from black jack, roulette, and something as simple as the slots. Even had its own made up card game, Caravan. I know not many people bothered playing it because it can seem rather confusing at first, but once you got the hang of it, it was quite fun to play. I felt this was a missed opportunity for Bethesda to continue these sort of games in Fallout 4, as gambling is nothing new to the Fallout series and goes all the way back to the originals, when there was even a skill for it. In a place like Boston, you could have at least expected some sort of gambling den to take place.

So what do you think of the Pip-Boy mini-games. Do you have a favorite? Would you have liked to have seen some other mini-games to play throughout the game world that involved the traditional gambling or any other kinds of gambling (betting on Mole Rat fights perhaps)? Perhaps a return of Caravan or some other made up card game Bethesda could have done. The Witcher 3 was quite successful in introducing an extremely fun card game.

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:47 pm

Not gonna lie.. I got pretty addicted to Gwent in Witcher 3. That being said I wouldn't mind a game like it, or any card games for that matter. One of the things I loved about Gun on the PS2 was playing Poker.

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Miss K
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:44 pm

Have you played any of the Pip-Boy mini-games?

Yes. But not all of them. I did play their real life versions as a child with exception to maybe Grognak the Barbarian and the Ruby Ruins, i'm not 100% sure of its origins.

What's your favorite out of the mini-games?

None. I don't have a favorite

Would you have liked to have seen other mini-games such as gambling?

Yes. I'd love to play some Ghoul Slots, or add that stuff to the settlements. The bars always flooded anyway with drunks.

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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:18 am

Ah, of any card game in existence, poker will always remain my favorite to play. I also played it extensively in any game it appeared in, especially Red Dead Redemption. A shame and rather odd we have not been able to play it in Fallout yet. Speaking of Red Dead though, I wouldn't mind playing some dice games either. Liar's Dice was always something I enjoyed. Craps tables even appeared in New Vegas although weren't playable.

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:54 am

I didn't play any of them much, but I am impressed by Grognak. It looks like an RPG inside and RPG XD

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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:53 am

Honestly, what would be a cool minor DLC (like a $2.5 one at best) would be one that adds a lot more RobCo Fun games (I wonder what Pac-Man would be like in Fallout?) and many other games. Like pool. I'm currently collecting one of each pool ball, trying to get a complete set, just in case they do it or if a modder does it. Gambling should also be added and other arcade-like stuff. It can possibly be like a new shop in Diamond City where you can get a lot of these and for some games, like pool, you need to find a pool table or build one at your settlement.

I love having these minigames in the game and wish Bethesda work more on them.

Also, Pipfall all the way. I was a huge fan of Pitfall back in the day. Even played Pitfall-3D for the PS1.


Would be fun to also find a magazine that unlocks Casino games at settlement. Let's build a giant casino! Bring Buddy for free booze for everyone (and Nuka-Cola? for myself)!

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sam smith
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:53 am

Of the many things that could have been done with the settlements, this would have definitely been something I would have liked to see. A good source of profit for the player and definitely something worth investing time into with the settlement building feature.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:24 am

True I spent hours in the bars in Red Dead. I was blown away that it wasn't in New Vegas!

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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:58 am

I've only found Atomic Command and Zeta Invaders so far. Haven't played them much. My big disappointment with them was that time doesn't pass while you play. On a mission for the Railroad I was waiting for a contact to show up so I tried passing the time playing a game on my pip-boy. But, time didn't pass. :(

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:19 am

Honestly, caps is easy enough to make, like in any Bethesda game. I'm not worried about making caps. I just want to have fun.

Go back to Vault 111. Red Menace is actually in the terminal at the beginning, in the cafe area. Just go and eject it out to keep. The other two are found during key points of the MQ, so keep an eye out for them.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:54 pm

I can't imagine why anyone would vote not to have gambling in the game. All it does is give something extra and fun to do.

I haven't played all of the games yet, but I've got them. The Grognak one's my favorite I've played.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:26 am

Some people are against gambling and think it should be illegal.

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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:33 am

I'm against murder, slavery, and canibalism but I'd be disappointed if any of them were ommited from the series. Why would somebody who is so against gambling that their disdain for it translates into video games be okay with all the other content?
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:58 pm

No idea but it happens. The best example I can give you is RuneScape... ANYTHING that got to do with gambling or has became gambling has been patched in that game because Jagex has a personal agenda against gambling for unknown reasons... Even playing with a toy horsey in the game will get your character to say:

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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:10 am

Ugh, I really need to find them all and give them a play. I've completely ignored this aspect of the game sadly.

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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:30 am

Don't play the pip boy games. Don't care. I was disappointed that the race track and combat zone were hostile, I would've loved to spend some caps there.

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James Smart
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:10 pm

Agreed about the track and Combat Zone. Still holding out hope for the latter though. The ghoul that runs it remains essential even after hiring Cait and completing her quest. He intends to get it back up and running, could make for a fine addition to DLC. :)
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:50 pm

I'd be more inclined to play the later games I picked up if I didn't have to scroll though 30 keys and 50 passwords to find their entries. I only ever played the first two I came across.

Seriously, if we just made keys/password marked unplayable, they would still be picked up (assuming they follow Skyrim's rules) - they just wouldn't appear in inventory (bless!) and couldn't be dropped (already the case!). We wouldn't need a keyring or codebook addon and it could hopefully be done without the GECK.

Can someone get on that...?

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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:31 am

Yeah, I honestly don't know what they were thinking with those locations. The amount of potential that could have been had involving quest with these locations that would have helped establish characters more like Cait. It could have been the damn thunderdome of the Commonwealth but instead turned out to be another underwhelming dungeon to clear out for god knows why.

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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:32 pm

I'll echo the same sentiment about Combat Zone and Easy City Downs.

I'm still hoping they'll do something with these areas in future DLC, if not, the Modding scene needs to get on it. Combat Zone could easily become something like The Thorn in New Vegas, where you either participate in fights or bet on them, side quest could include finding and signing up fighters.

Easy City Downs could be awesome to, you could just bet on races, or built your own racing robot to compete. The crafting system could be perfect for it!

Some casino games would also be fun, but if Poker, fer Christ sake no bloody Texas Hold 'em I'm sick of that variant. And if they bring back Caravan it's not going to end well... I'll go on a murdering spree killing every person that wants to play it!

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:32 am

This is why I use a terminal to play them on. Much smaller less, since most useless holotapes can be removed from your inventory.

Well. Maybe Bethesda might do a thing with them later on? They might make it in an update/patch where, after clearing the race track, actual people takes over and run it like it should. And maybe that ghoul starts running the combat zone once again after you clear the raiders. Would be nice.

Though honestly, the race track was still a fun experience.

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:37 pm

They need to just add as many games as possible. Including Caravan.

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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:14 pm

I like the grognak game, your speech choices actually matter in it. Wish the rest of fallout 4 were more like that.
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