I'm in my 8th or 9th playthrough now and I'm getting a bit tired of seeing Roggvir getting executed in the Solitude market. I was wondering, is there a way to save Roggvir from execution at all?
I'm in my 8th or 9th playthrough now and I'm getting a bit tired of seeing Roggvir getting executed in the Solitude market. I was wondering, is there a way to save Roggvir from execution at all?
The poor chap is scripted to die :c I've tried so many times...
even if you manage to kill all of the imperial soldiers and the executioner rogvir will still die coz his death is scripted even if event fails so there is no way to actually save him
Nothing you can do, I just let them get on with it and carry on about by business.
You could be right. I saw this video on YouTube were this guy tried to kill the guards and the executionar and he did a pretty good job. Only thing, right before the video ended, for some bizarre reason, Roggvir collapsed and died...probably by a heart attack. Guess the poor chap is destined to die. Why do the good ones always have to go first...its not fair.
So lame right? You know how many times I tried to robin hood it? I was horrified when I saw his head just fall off before my eyes after all the hard work....I think that did a lot for me hating Imps. That whole situation.
I'll be honest, I wasn't quite as mad about that as you'd think. If I wasn't a Nord, then maybe. It was a dike move, but that comes with war. But when I see it happen not once, but twice, then I got mad. Was already an Imp by then though. I deleted the character eventually. Rogvir couldn't have been the only guy guarding two gates to the capital of Skyrim. He was obviously just used as a scapegoat to cover everyone else's guilt.
He took a bullet for the team you could say.
Even if you kill all the guards, Aldis and the headsman he still dies. The game kills him. It's impossible to save him.
I wonder if you can use console commands to bring him back to life.
Like resurrect?
I wonder if he'd wander around headless... must give that a go.
They really should have added a quest to free Roggvir and bring him with you to join the Stormcloaks. Kind of like how Ralof is with you for most of the missions. But no, I had to spend a week try to blast the crap out of everyone in Solitude with Incinerate trying to save him before I figured it was impossible. And he's innocent, too. The Imperials tried to kill a man who lawfully dueled a weak king.
Not from his point of view. Roggvir considered the liberation of Ulfric Stormcloak from Solitude as something heroic...something.. Hmm. Can't find the right word for it. Damn my English.
I dislike how I always feel compelled to stand and watch when he's being executed, even if I came to Solitude for other reasons and am totally ignoring the civil war quest.
My thieves use that time to break into everyone's house and steal what ever they can find, really gets annoying having to go through the same scripted sequence in every new character.
But yes, I tried to save him out of boredom once, but it's just not his lucky day.
Hah, that's a very good idea. Clever roleplaying.
No he didn't, he considered it a lawlful normal thing because by Nord law, he did nothing wrong. He couldn't have been the only one, because like I said, it's a big city with more than one gate. He just got blamed. Sure, he may have supported Ulfric, but the point was he wasn't the only one "guilty".
I once used a harmony scroll, i forgot what happened. I think it was a good day.
Closest thing I ever came to saving him: my Khajiit unloaded on everyone present with a Hysteria spell. Everyone fled, including Roggvir, never saw him again. I RPed that anti-Empire sympathizers smuggled him out of Solitude and onto a ship bound for Hammerfell.
I once tried killing everyone around him but he still died from....the air? I'm guessing....