I made a redguard reaver, he is specializing in axe block and armor variations medium/heavy
destruction and restoration.. destruction is lightning and the drain abilities mid combat life poison/steal.
He in a vague sense of my description suffered great evil tragedy on his home attacked... so he has wandered and drifted and wound up freed by the emperor after imprisoned from this role, whether wrongfully or rightfully.
and inside him is the torment of this loss gripping him and his purity as a true warrior.. will power and intelligence... enchant .
so hes like good with some hardcoe in him.
i was vaguely thinking running him through the imperial cult to get him crafted to the better side..
this character is loosely based off Dark Age of Camelot Reaver.. i.e the dark cleric under paladin axe and sword
but I cant really find the motivation to get started.. the inspiration
i cant decide his true duties to perform.. other than to cast himself against the darkness with his hybrid capability.
what should i neglect/ turn my back on.. what should i enforce prominently.?
much appreciated some variation