So I enjoyed having more choice and point to the game with the NV hardcoe mode on I don’t think I’ll play that game without it. For some it was too difficult for some to easy, many people have suggested changes that would enhance the game for some but degrade it for others, that doesn’t mean they are bad or unworkable in game it just needs balance. For a long time games have had difficulty setting this is in essence the same, want a challenge go for hard, fancy it leisurely go for easy. So what I’m proposing is a RP (or hardcoe if you like) menu. This would contain sliders and toggles for game play elements.
Some elements I’d like to see changeable in the menu:
A slider for general difficulty. (like before)
A slider for damage threshold. (lots of hits to kill or be killed, too one hit to kill or be killed)
Toggles for; hunger, dehydration, tiredness.
Weight slider for all objects. (should I be able to carry the kitchen sink?)
Cost slider for all objects. (I just can’t help but make a mint)
Cross hair toggle: on/off (for those immersive bowman and mages, who dont have a tv so wide they can tell where the middle is...)
Toggle: on/off (better still on/off for each section of hud, why have a magic bar if you don’t use it??)
Toggle compass points: on/off (let ppl explore their own way)
Toggle enemy location: on/off (would prefer this as a slider but that maybe hard to implement)
Toggle quest marks: on/off. (Hopefully you always gets notes to refer to, even with quest marks I like to recheck the fluff reason for doing each bit not just go to point a,b,c.)
Fast Travel: on/off. (walkies)
Player voice: on/off ((if you just don’t like it) hopefully you can adjust the tone in the creation menus)
Player body shown in FP: on/off (so your boobs don’t obscure the loot or whatever reason ppl gave for not wanting to see their feet)
Helmet cam: on/off (show your view through whatever helm you’re using, mainly for full-face helms)
Handiness slider: Left- both-right (gain duel wield benefits and weakness’s depending on your dominant hand)
High fantasy: on/off (like wacky wasteland just not a perk...and obviously more suited to tes)
Adoring fan:
So guys n gals would you like to see a regular hardcoe mode or a menu letting you customize your play style, are there things that would be important to you or things u think could be better. Lets roll.