While I can't reveal too much of the story, the basic premise will be people just arriving to the Vault after a year of habitation in 2078 and using advanced simulation pods to ensure the Dwellers within live long and don't get bored in their Vault, the pods open as the Overseer opens the the Vault, as per orders, opens to the destruction of the Great War. Unfortunately, the Dwellers find the dead are now walking the earth and must survive in the city of Chicago, unable to flee the city. Thankfully, with medical supplies from the Vault, most any mortal wound is survivable, but lose a limb and you may just die. Beware of being bitten by the dead, if you do, you won't come back!
Does this plot sound farfetched to you? Well it is! But, there's a very good reason for all of this and I will select people at random to die, as this is part of the plot. If you're willing to take the time to follow me down the rabbithole, I think you will all like the RP's conclusion.
Race: (Standard races, obviously no Ghouls or Mutants)
You'll be permitted to change your outfit when you leave the Vault and select what you wear in the 'perfect life' simulation, but until then, you'll just have a Vault suit. You may scavenge weapons you find but all Dwellers will be issued by the Overseer (Me) and a person Co-GMing who I'll need to help me with the plot of this RP and general things to help run the RP too. To be GM you'd need to RP my right hand character, but beyond that, you're free to have as many other characters as you can manage. Same applies to other standard players.
I know the plot sounds bizarre, but it does have a plot to it as I'll reveal in time once the RP hits off. Do I have any takers?