Playing a Khajiit, I looked at the Thalmor Embassy job as an excuse to pull off a high end B&E job. Also to strike back at the same jerks who rudely shoved me off a road while taking some poor slob to his fate. Oh and let's not forget the time when a couple of Thalmor thugs tried to kill me for mearly investagating an old Nord shrine. And then there's those Thalmor a**holes strutting around the Jarl of Markarth court, insulting me and acting like their poop never stinks. See there are plenty of reason to roleplay a Khajiit disliking or wanting to get even with the Thalmor, (or any other group). I always thought of the Khajiit as Middle Eastern or Southwest Asian in their culture and outlook. Khajiit will never forget a friend who's helped them, but they'll remember an enemy who's slighted them for even longer.
Investigating an old Nord shrine? Could you give more detail?
Personally, I find the mindset of hating and wanting to kill everyone of a certain group because someone of that group wronged you to be completely unjustified, ignorant, and insane. I don't think it's right to judge the Thalmor as a whole based on the actions of a few. Many Thalmor and Stormcloaks act that way, but they're also fanatics, and there's no reason to share their narrow-mindedness.
I would be able to play and RP a Khajiit if I could make one that looks something like this one on consoles:
I bought an Xbox 360 on 11-11-11, just to play Skyrim. I use it for more than Skyrim, of course, but that's the main reason I bought it. I plan to buy a new laptop just to play Skyrim for the PC, when I can afford it. Sometimes Skyrim justifies the means to play it.
ha my thoughts exactly and I'm not a gypsy cat fan
they enhanced his size beyond normal, that can't be done on best you can somewhat recreate a smaller version of him but I don' think you can get him to look as badass. Maybe I'll try next time I play
not a bad remake but I guess it's true that bigger is better as the other one looks more badass and it's not just the better graphics. Also I don't know if it's the lighting or fur color but the other one looks like his fur is growing out of the armor, I know it's part of the ancient nord armor but it appears as if it's his fur that's bulging out at the seams.