Regardless of voiced acted characters with a relatively limited back story (from what we know) how are you going to role play your character remember he or she had a life before the tutorial so what career did they have? what type of upbring? etc and how will your character act in the wasteland heartless fiend? charmer? lone ranger?
So what's your roleplaying outlook for your first, second, third, ..., ..., eightieth playthrough?
Remember be optimistic just because our PC has a backstory (spouse, pre war, etc) doesn't mean there isn't a lot of blanks that haven't been filled so this isn't a place to complain about how your role playing will be affected by voice acting and having a background.
Now discuss my minions.
Edit: Sorry for the title I meant to say How are you going to roleplay your character, don't worry I do have a knowledge of basic grammar.