If your not on PC , you can do self modding by ignoring parts of the game.
For a hardcoe experience ... try setting it to medium or just below , to get rid of bullet sponges. Give yourself a high luck for criticals , and take a low endurance.
Then just ignore the vats system and the ability to use your pipboy during combat (only hotkeys for weapon switching , limit them for your prefered realism) Also no fast travel if you want.
Never use stimpaks , beds or water sources. Except the stimpak in conjuction with the wait function , 1 stimpak = x amount of resting to recover health.
Then pick 1-2 injestable you will only use for recovering a small amount of health outside of doctors and stimpak resting. And ignore the rest.
Giving yourself a death penalty can up the excitment. For example just fast travel to your nearest settlement with a vendor after death and reloading. Then sell most or all of your stuff beyond the caps limit they have.
Then you have to restart with that little amount of caps to simulate being left for dead/robbed and rescued by some nice soul that nursed you back to health and gave you what they could.
If you do have a PC , you can still do the self modding , plus you can use the console command to set yourself up how you want and skip stuff in the quests.
Like read up on the Reilly ranger quest , locate it in the geck , and use a COC command, or MovetoQt.
These are just some of the tactics I think you were asking for?
But the RP , is just going to be about trying to stay within the bounds of your conception of your characters state of mind.
And like Big Daddy said , Split it up in your brain , then understand what parts are necessary within the mechanics and should be ignored or atleast rationalized differently than is presented.