I've seen a few people mention playing a Legion or NCR trooper, and I've thought of it myself, but there's a problem that always crops up. I know that it's mostly in my own mind, yet I can't seem to get past it. I thought I'd see if any of you have a solution.
The thing about being in a military faction is simply this... To really get the experience, you have sleep wherever others of your rank sleep, eat what and where others of similar rank eat, but that's a bit difficult if you're playing hardcoe. Then there's the issue of standing watches, something more or less everyone in a military unit does for at least four hours per day. I cannot imagine standing a four hour watch at the Mojave Outpost for instance, while trying to enjoy playing a game.
Then there is the fact that in a military unit, you have no freedom. You can't just run off and do a side quest, like clearing ghouls from some rocket factory, or delivering messages for the Crimson Caravan, or checking out super mutants skiiing on bunny slopes... it would be UA at best, desertion at worst. There's also the lack of military orders to perform chore X or take X objective with your unit.
and then there is training... or the lack of it. You can go beat on a dummy at Caesar's fort if you want, but there is no way set up to engage in weapons contests within your unit. Hit Joe with a wooden machete (if you could find one), and then you'll either have to kill him (and perhaps all of your buddies) or run for your life. All things considered, it seems to be a most unsatisfactory military experience.
Oh, and companions would be very problematic as well...
So, what do you guys do to get around these obstacles?