*Le Gasp!*
Shadow and Havok! Hiya, buddies!
Been thinking I might ('could maybe possibly consider perhaps kinda' type of 'might') try 'Diary of a Madgod' over here.. or something like it since Illusionaria seems to have gone pining for the fjords. Have some good pre-concepts for Skyrim-native Zeterras (they came from there in the first place, after all!) what with ES5 finally coming, too, so I may go off in a totally different direction. I ain't done with Karst, much to her likely disappointment, but her successor's in the works.
And if you don't know what a Zeterra is, just picture the orneriest bunch of Khajiit misfits you ever saw and.. you're about spot on.

More generally speaking, do lemme know if anyone's in need of a good dose of stupid/crazy in their RP. I happened to notice Uglius and Verlox among the living as well, by the by, so good ta see more people I know from 'back in the day.' Haha..
Back in
my day, this here was just 'TES Fan Fiction!' You young punks and your long-named subforums! I used to have to walk uphill,
both ways, in the snow
and blistering heat, to the
library to post! Dern kids and their 'Why-Fye' and 'Bookfaces' and whatnot.. *shakes cane at people*
EDIT: Dang, I feel old. All these people in here for Skyrim reminds me of way back when I was playing Morrowind and found out about TES IV, and all the people after that talking about 'When's Oblivion 2 coming?' and stuff. I should go start calling this 'Morrowind 3' now.. See if anyone gets it from back then.