I completely disagree about there being "Too many RP's". Roleplays that don't succeed is practice. If people don't get practice, experimenting with different types of roleplay, different characters, etc. How are we to develop? In the 5 years (I think) I've been roleplaying, I've only ever finished 2 Rps. And trust me, back in the day I used to be in 10+ so the chances for success were pretty high.
People should create roleplays because they want to experience what it is like to lead a roleplay. It's completely different from joining one and the very act of leading helps you appreciate it when someone else is leading.
Perhaps this will lead to people leaving, but no one is under contract to finish your RP, nor are we to put them at gun point and control their actions through the forums. But as far as I'm concerned the vast majority of RP's never make it through their first 3 weeks, at which time, those that left - Will probably join again.
Continue posting your RP's, they're creative and it's what this board is all about. The idea that you cannot do something because well.. The people that have been here slightly longer than you said so is very, very stupid. (That was my problem with IN's guide) Post them, if people like them they'll join. If people prefer their RP's over yours, they'll join. If you're disapointed, you'll just have to get over it. =/
Thats more or less the point i wanted to get across, but it went off in a weird tangent xD.
I remember the first Role Play i ever created on these boards. Yes my first character was some uber assassin/warrior/demon possessed thing, yet the Rp went on for ra long time because of the way the community reacted to a new idea. Many from that one over 5 years ago had let me meet new pwople who were new also and i have been Rping with them since (right Uglius?

We all were green to these forums at one point or another so by all means the more practise for the new guys the better. Because for ever 5 or so RPs that die, there will be one that will be around for a long time (or never actually stop), and even if they do the people you meet along the way can allow you to build a solid rping base that will increase the chances of success