Since there seems to be such a small but reliable RP community here, I think we need a thread for a bit more unity. I've seen several RP ideas since my return die off not because of lack of interest, but because of lack of time for the RP given the number of other RPs and so few players.
One function for this thread is to discuss RP ideas we come up with, want to see, or have planned, and hopefully allowing a dormant idea to stay "on the table" longer, instead of dying once a proposed idea falls off the first half of the first page.
The other important function is to allow the coordination of RPs, so players and RPs can manage recruitment. Here, RPs in need of more players, or at a point more players can join, can advertise as such. It also allows players looking for RP to ask for details about existing RPs without needing to commit.
I'm hoping this makes our community more accessable, while taking a lot of burden off RP hosts and saving everyone time by allowing us to coordinate our efforts to make sure everyone has fun.
So... RP hosts: Feel free to describe your RPs here for other's benefit, such as recruitment status and general themes/tone.
... and players: feel free to discuss RP ideas you'd like to see, characters you'd like to play, or RPs you have interest in getting into.