- No HUD
- No map
- No Fast travel apart from Carriages
- only using maces
- can only carry four weapons and four armours.
-6 hours of sleep a day.
- eat at least once a day
- after death, have to wait 5 days in a city or safe location
- wear a hood and fur in cold locations.
- only deal with Dunmer merchants in windhelm.
My character is a dunmer who is a raging psychopathic. He is very evil looking with red eyes and full white face paint. After starting him I have killed a travelling bard and a skooma dealer. I wiped out a bandit who tried to toll road me. I am on my way to windhelm as my character has heard that there is a dunmer refuge there. He hates racist nords and he supports neither the imperials or stormcloaks.
Is there anything else you think I could add?