Your nord did his homework and learned of his ancient ancestors whom were the paradigm of humanity. Atmorans, whom were the embodiment of the soul of war. But mindlessly brutish, they were not. They had a will to learn. A will to not only understand, but appreciate the unknowable. A race of men, that studied arcane texts after finishing a brutal training regime. A race of men, that were equal in mind as in body. As our Overlord AL-DU-IN dominates both the sky and the land. The Nords dominated both weapon and arcane! Philosopher-Warriors in their own right, whom knew how to balance mystique with the practical. Elegance, with the brutal. True Nords, whom turn in their grave at what their children have... "become" today.
If the Stormcloaks are not willing to accept you out of ignorant superstition. Then they are not True Nords. A True Nord knows how to fight. Rather it be with steel, or the clever craft. If Skyrim is in your heart, then that will do. Rather it be Shor, or AL-DU-IN. Both value the clever craft. It is your heart that truly matters to your Ancestors of Old, that the modern Nords will never honor. Fight with valor, no matter your weapon of choice, you might honor us yet.