» Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:01 pm
I'm currently working to get to know Hanna (the doll I posted the other day). This is the way I roleplay. She is.... whoever she is. When I play a character, they almost always start out as just a basic idea, and as I follow them around through Cyrodiil, I'm constantly on the lookout for clues to their personalities. Over time, as things begin to fall into place, they become more and more complex characters until, more often than not at least, they become distinct and vivid personalities. And that's the part I really play for. That's a good part of why I try to level up as slowly as possible - I hate finally figuring out who a character is when s/he's level 16 and there's not enough challenge left in the world.
Hanna's level 3 at the moment, just about to go to level 4. She's working on the MG recommendations. She's physically very weak (25 base strength that she raised early on to 32, and since she's given up on melee weapons, there's no chance it's going to increase beyond that). She loves using a bow and is deadly with one, but, small and weak as she is, she's easily hurt by anything that gets close to her (she's been closer to death more times than any character I've played in quite a while). She dabbled in destruction magic a bit after she gave up on melee, but she most enjoys illusion and conjuration. She managed for a while there to cast command spells and absolutely loved them. As soon as she started using them, she found that everything changed. There had been nothing that terrified her more than seeing a room full of enemies - knowing that even if she managed to kill one with her bow, she was surely going to be attacked by the rest, and too quickly to take them all out. But with command at her disposal, a room full of enemies suddenly became the best possible thing. She could just command one or two of them, let them fight it out amongst themselves, then mop up the survivor. But the only spell she had access to was too weak to work on the enemies she began to face later on, and she had to give it up for the time being. She's burning to finish the recommendations, so she can craft her own spells and regain that ability.
For the time being at least, she started to practice more with conjuration, mostly so that enemies would tend to focus on something other than her. She simply can't face them head on - it's not even an option - so she needed something between her and them. She spent quite a while conjuring a scamp, and he fought well enough, but she was just sort of repulsed by him. And she had absolutely no interest at all in conjuring any undead - they just creep her out. And then she happened on a cottage at the head of a beautiful set of falls along the road to Cheydinhal, and met an oddly aloof yet kind witch named Morcant who taught her how to summon a Timber Wolf (all from our own SubRosa's brilliant http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36623 mod). And there's nothing in the world, at least at the moment, that she loves more than her Timber Wolf friend and protector.
She.... I get the impression that she's sort of cold and withdrawn. One of the things I watch for is an attachment to a particular person or place, and I haven't seen anything like that with her. She's been around Cyrodiil enough now that that absence is noteworthy by itself. Most characters would've had a recognizable positive reaction to someone or somewhere by now, but she hasn't really (other than to her wolf). Small as she is, she's easily put off by large people, and particularly large and boisterous ones. Even that though hasn't quite made sense yet - for instance, she got on well enough with the Orums, in spite of their hostility, but she was put off by Henantier - something about the way he loomed over her, just a bit too loud and enthusiastic - made her feel that much smaller and eager to get away from him. But she liked Gilgondorin well enough - he's just as tall, but he's not so loud and doesn't get quite so much in her space. And as I think about it - it's maybe less due to size. That's certainly a factor, but, for instance, she really disliked Arielle Jurard. That one caught me off guard - I've never had a character react negatively to her before. Most like her, and most of my male characters at least momentarily lust after her, but Hanna really didn't like anything about her. She was too condescending and too self-important, and when it came time to fight Caminalda, she was nowhere to be seen and Hanna had to handle it all by herself (one of the many times she got frighteningly close to dying).
Sorry... I'm sort of wandering here, but I guess it's on topic, actually. This whole process, to me, is what roleplaying is really about. I pick up these little clues and insights into a character's personality along the way, and at some point it all comes together into a believeable and unique character. Hanna's in the middle of that process right now.