So, sittable chairs has been fixed. If you emote /sitchair, you get a chair...
But what about other features that will make it fun to RP? I understand that there will be no chat bubbles or player names, but hopefully these can be toggled on our added in going forward, like WoW did with chat-bubbles. What I am more interested in is aesthetics.
ESO already has a wide range of emotes, but will there be non-combat armor: simple clothing like in Oblivion and Skyrim? Will there be non-combat off-hand items, like torches, walking sticks, or haunches of meat? Will there be large areas such as taverns, or simply empty buildings, in which roleplayers can congregate? WoW, the big-dog of the MMO world, offered all of this at the beginning. One would think that if the Elder Scrolls wants to snag the largest amount of players, they should want to appeal to this fanbase as well.
I was wondering if anyone has found such content already available in Cyrodiil for example? Or throughout the levelling regions?