[questionssuggestions] RoleplayingGameplay improvement

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:24 pm

Dear Bethesda,

First, my Apologizes for my non-native-very-bad english.

Second, Thank you for the great game you sell to me. I've played a lot of hours, and I hope I'm going to play more and more. But...

Can you, please, consider some of my selfish expectations listed bellow ?

- Please, can you make some "evil" factions (Raiders, Gunners) playable, and/or add some news, with a huge main quest and real world impact at the end of the quest?

- Please, can you add the possibility for all the playable factions to manage a settlement, and give them a real interest to do that ?

- Please, can you remove or rework the uncharismatic Minutmen Faction, or like I suggest before, give me the possibility to expand settlement with an other ?

- Please, can you, for the Minutmen, give me the rank of "General" after a real epic quest and not after a little deathclaw kill ?

- Please, can you add more and more and more and more and m... dialogue option different than "Yes" "No" or "Sarcastic", with a REAL impact on the NPC or Faction who I'm speaking with ?

- Please, can you, in the same idea than the precedent question, add some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and perk dialogues option with, again, a real impact ?

- Please, can you, ... Karma ... ?

Thank you very much to take the time to read this, and maybe, some others fallout's fans are going to read and talk about this on this thread.



PS : obviously, I would be happy to wait for the release of a DLC or more to see some of these features coming.

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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:50 pm

I think that you should name your topic:

Dear Bethesda, please outsource next Fallout game to the company who actually can write story and dialogues like CD RED or Obsidian or Inxile.

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Heather Kush
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:25 pm

Choices through dialogs belongs to TEXT adventure games that had no graphics. With graphics the player character do choices and the dialogs just extend the story.

Guess a lot of players imagine that Bethesda developers are working on game changes right now. But since you ask them to "please, please please", they'll probably not hear you, because they are really mean and trying to corrupt your soul ...

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:01 am

I know what i'm asking will probably not be heard... but I try, I need that.

Whatever, I launch my game and I play, maybe with some frustation with the point I mentionned sooner, but I play again... Why ?

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:47 am

Whenever I see a thread like this I cry a little inside. I agree with them 100%, I just know that they're going unheard.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:06 am

all the factions are a bit evil or misguided.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:06 pm

Joining the Gunners might be a possible thing to do and I wouldn't mind. Becoming a Raider on the other hand is a much harder experience and even doing so, it would completely kill most of the other content in the game. Going down the raider path will be extremely boring after awhile. Especially since you can do some evil options already (such as taking over settlements by killing everyone there).

At best, I can see the Brotherhood of Steel taking over settlements, be it with you or against you.

Minuteman is a great faction honestly. Nothing needs to be changed about them and they have to be there or else the mainquest can become impossible to complete.

I actually agree here. Dialogue is messed up and needs reworking, especially missing SPECIAL and perk related options.

The karma system is a terrible system and shouldn't be in-game.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:07 am

Yeah, I know, but it was a trully difference between "a bit evil" and trully evil.

I want to have the choice of being a real bad man.

For a Raider faction, yes, it's going to be potentially boring, or not. With a great quest link with, it's possibly an interresting alternative. I agree if your character is going in this way, a lot of other content will be broke. But, again, it's the choice of the player, and I'd like to have that choice.

That sound great. A settlement war would be a great things for the game. But not too much, especially if you want to work with brotherhood and the minutmen in the same time. Or add this feature at the moment where you become hostile to them.

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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:21 pm

And Mask. MASK. How do people tell who's who if that fella's wearing a mask, or is in a power armour?

ESP? Psychic? High on drugs like that "Mama Murphy" character?

Actually, I think Bethesda should concentrate on GECK. The sooner it is released, the sooner these features could be modded in by tinkerers and other fans.

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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:23 pm

I am a pro-Institute guy. I'd love to replace that Maxson character and everyone else with Synths. Take over the Brotherhood and everyone else from within. Would be REALLY funny to see Desdemona's face when it's revealed to her that everyone's a synth when she's tied to a chair and looking at her replacement.

Hell, give them some FEV and put them in a lab and watch what they do with cats. LOL.

And slavery. Can't forget about that one.

Lost opportunities. So many lost opportunities.

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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:50 am

Yes... What a post-apocalyptic world without what define the humanity in her most beautifull skills : Slavery, Tortures, Mass Murders and other great things like this ?

And yeah, the GECK could help a lot, but I think it not going to be enough.

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Joie Perez
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