I'm Kroot9525 and I'm currently working on this mod: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1108219-wipz-the-second-amusemant-park-of-cyrodiil/page__p__16235207entry16235207
I'm actually working towards the creation of an actual rollercoaster for Cyrodiil (which should be a first). I have the schematics all drawn up, the idea ready, and the setup planned.
There's only one, huge, gaping problem: I lack the proper rollercoaster cart to run on the tracks.
I've already tried the mine cart model from a mine track resource, but it's too flimsy to do anything. Sjor Boomschors actually managed to create a test rollercoaster mod a while back, but that was lost in a harddrive crash. I even posted a thread to try to scavenge the mod from somewhere, but it's completely gone from the web.
I now come before the community and humbly place a request for a proper rollercoaster cart. I'm not too picky about design, just as long as it doesn't fall of a narrow track, and is havok-enabled.
I know it's a really long shot, and believe me when I say I don't like putting burdens on another people. But right now, I really just want to make this plan become a reality.
Thank you for reading,