I admit, at first I had a very different idea of what this forum would be like. I did not at all expect the reaction I got. But some of the senior members recently made some very impressive points, that had me thinking and reevaluating my position all day long. I was not aware that this kind of camaraderie existed among many of you, nor did I expect to find such a strong code of honor and support for one another. I admit, some of what I read, I found even moving.
In a nutshell, my original thinking was that it is not a big deal to use another’s work, even with good intentions, because after all, it’s just a game. But I am getting the feeling like the other side of the coin is even more valid—if a certain mod is unavailable for whatever reason, well, that is no death sentence—after all, it is just a game. And I can definitely see how the respect you have for your peers—even to the point of self-denial—is much more important and admirable than what I originally had in mind.
So, thank you to those who shared your views with me.