If they put enough effort into the writing = Yes.
Unfortunately I think romance has a bad rep due to the amount of people that seemingly just want to "get laid" digitally. Bioware did romance pretty well. Something similar is what I want. Romance adds a deeper level of roleplaying, and is for me more about a deeper emotional connection to said characters. For me at least - the idea of having romance, and yes six, with a companion, is about character investment an emotional connection. Which also requires good writing. Sadly people get hung up on the physical aspect like six. For me having six with a romance partner in a game (if applicable) is about connection and emotion more than the physical act.
I also find it amusing how so many call out people who like romance in games as "horny nerds", "loners" and "losers. This stereotype is facepalm-worthy from a personal perspective as I've been in several relationships and have zero problems getting laid. As well as my best friend enjoying romance in Bioware games despite her having 2 kids.
Romance is a mature theme which adds richness and depth as long as the writing is good. I won't care that much if its not in, but I can't understand the people who oppose it - the only exception being if its badly written or implemented. In which case I agree its better to leave out completely (like skyrim).