I think romance in Skyrim was perfect for Skyrim. Pick about anyone, no real work involved, get married get a Lover's Comfort perk. The spouse moves in with you and you can role-play anything else the way you wanted. Better yet if you did want someone not in the marriage faction just a console command could make them marriageable (Hroki, Julienne, etc.). Win, win, win.
I'm pretty sure now with the voiced PC that just using a console to pick anyone will be out of the question since romance it now going to involve unique dialog with the NPC and maybe even a personal quest. The problem with this is once we have all the companions it will be that pretty young woman selling Mole-Bits on the street corner that I'll want to get to know better. Oh well. Sadly with the voiced PC even modding new options in will more than likely be very difficult.
With the voiced PC FO4 is playing a lot closer to DA and ME than prior TES or FO games. DAO had straight and bi characters, they made sense and it worked. DA2 made everyone PC sixual and it was just terrible. DAI, BioWare learned it's lesson and gave the NPC's their own sixual orientations and it made for much more interesting characters. It seems that FO4 is going for the DA2 format. It's unfortunate that Bethesda couldn't learn form BioWare's mistakes. But since we are coming from Skyrim I guess baby steps is about all we can ask for.
I really do not want 'romance' with ghouls and mutants. Deep caring friendships, sure why not. But romance leads to six and ... well I just wouldn't want to go there. A fully human looking syth maybe if made like some in some more recent sci-fi movies. But I would prefer the romances remain human to human, AND that they are all in the 25-35 age range since it's very much assumed (at least it's obvious to me) that's the age of the SS. If we just get 3 human females and 3 human males to romance, well that's some variety at least.