Here are some of my opinions concerning the romance system. I know that this can be somewhat of an interesting topic, so I just wanted to say it’s okay to disagree. Also, sorry for the rather long post.
1. Diverse romanceable companions are a good thing. The more diversity in terms of physical characteristics (ex: young vs middle-aged vs old) and personality (ex: quirky and nerdy vs anti-social and quiet vs outgoing and loud) the better in my opinion.
2. No in-game bonuses for having a specific romanced partner. Romance shouldn’t boost a Special or give you any other bonus. I’m not adverse in the slightest to having an in-game bonus to something when a specific companion is actively following you, like in NV, but that bonus should apply the exact same whether you’re romancing them or not.
3. Romantic relationships shouldn’t be based entirely on dialogue. I don’t want a system where I can sweet talk someone who hates the suffering of innocent people, go out and slaughter a town, and then still have them care the slightest about me. I want my in-game actions and choices to have consequences on my romance options/storyline (and romance aside, on which companions will even follow me. Bethesda has thankfully implemented this to some extent in the past so I’m fairly certain it will return)
4. six shouldn’t be given as a reward. Romance shouldn’t be treated like a quest where the ultimate treasure at the end of a long journey is your partner agreeing to hook-up with you, and then the roller coaster that was your romance essentially becomes a long flat boring line now that you’ve “finally reached the ultimate plateau.” If the issue of six is brought up at all, it should be brought up in a way based upon the companion in question. Some companions should be willing to spend a night with you after only knowing you for a day, others should want a longer period of time to get to know you. A randomness setting as to when you partner is “in the mood” may also make things a bit more interesting where sometimes (after they’ve gotten very comfortable with you) they’ll just randomly approach you (not because you just completed a quest), while at other times when you approach them they’ll actually turn you down (not because you’ve done anything wrong).
5. On the issue of gender limiting your romanceable companions, I feel that while there is no perfect solution that I’ve ever seen, heard, or come up with, that I ultimately agree that having all romanceable companions be available to be romanced regardless of gender is the best choice, with the additional requirement that in the game we should encounter a diverse variety of non-romanceable characters who are clearly either heterosixual, bisixual, homosixual, etc.
For me this issue is a tough one that pulls in a variety of directions. For example we have the issue of realism where having say 10 individuals randomly selected all being bisixual, is extremely unlikely. We also have the concern that having all companions be bisixual limits their individuality and may provide a less interesting story. On the other hand we have the freedom of the player to build their own story being severely limited if they wish to make a story with a particular character as their partner, but they can’t, not because of who they are or the choices they’ve made, but because of their gender. On another hand we have the issue of diversity within the gaming world which can be severely limited if all companions are bisixual.
For me, this last issue is solved with the addition I mentioned of including other diverse characters in the world, who aren’t romanceable to anyone.
This issue of less meaningful stories and a lack of individuality by having all companions be bisixual is solved by having good writing. As BOX MAAN stated, “sixual orientation rarely factors in to how the companions can be characterized, and you don't really lose momentum in a lot of romantic plots by switching the genders around… But most games (and most fiction, I daresay) prove that you can build some great characters without ever going into that ((sixual orientation)).” As an avid fan of stories in literature, movies, television, and video games for many years, I can honestly say this is 100% true. Some great characters are greatly defined by their sixual orientation (and the challenges they face because of it), but there are also an enormous number of great characters whose sixual orientation could be changed and you’d barely notice a difference.
Finally we have the issue of realism. If the choice comes down to more player freedom to tell the story they want versus a more realistic game, the deciding factor, in my opinion, should be: How important is romance to the central game itself? If your game is chiefly concerned with providing players a bunch of different playstyles as they go throughout a wasteland full of dangers while they make their own story, then you shouldn’t give the players the ability to use every single type of playstyle from the get go in the same game. Basically, we shouldn’t have a 10 in all Specials and also have half the perks chosen by level 15 thus allowing us to complete the overwhelming majority of the game in any playstyle we choose with amazing effectiveness in each one. Limiting the player to choosing a limited playstyle allows them to replay the game in a drastically different way if they choose to. This is a good thing. Additionally, if your game is chiefly concerned about making your own romantic story, you really shouldn’t be allowed to romance everyone in the same game since that would kill replayability. However in each case, the replayability of the game would barely be hurt in any noticeable way if you put in there an optional, unimportant, non-main game effecting mechanism that’s completely open to the player in an entirely unrealistic way.
Taking it from the other side, just how much is replayability enhanced by limiting romanceable companions by gender? For the romance game, it’s enhanced by a huge amount. For Fallout 4? Well, I’m fairly certain that around 99.99% of the game would be the exact same… doing almost nothing to enhance replayability. As such, while still not a perfect solution, I firmly think that in a game like Fallout where romance isn’t central to the main game, the benefits of increasing player freedom to make their own story far outweigh the cons generated by the lack of realism in this one small part of the game.