No, we have enough JAHO topics in CD. We don't need 64,537 topics on "how can I get the prompt so *insert NPC* will say yes when I ask her out"
It's bad enough in real life when romantic rejection occurs, don't want a group of already depressed, lonely gamers failing to score ingame.
Because if you want reality, it needs to be reality: messy, unpredictable, uncontrollable. Not reality on your terms. A dialouge and assignments with a bunch of pixels and gaming ai is not a relationship.
What have romances in epic adventure stories got to do with reality
? They're as much about escapist fantasy as the rest of the story. In computer games, as in Hollywood action adventures, romances are about banter, witty dialogue, desperately intense emotion and back-stabbing betrayal.
They most certainly are not about relationships
There have been so many posts in this forum about companions, romances, and other many people have brought up Mass Effect as an example of how to get it right and I agree, but I doubt Bethesda will be going that deep with the NPCs. That being said since they claim to be playing what's popular and taking notes there should be some type of relationship system that goes beyond friends. I don't need or want some mass effect type six scene, it would feel out of place in elder scrolls. Just someone that sees more than just "hero" or "dragonborn", someone with a moral view of your actions and concern for your well being. Even so, there would be times where you would also make them angry I'm sure...I can just hear my little breton wife nagging "I don't care if you were saving the world...dragonborn or no, you could stop in more often, dear."
I can just hear my Khajiit companion muttering in the depth of a dungeon "You are too loud. This one would not have set off so many traps. Tsabhira thinks she should go on ahead... or leave you to your nonsense. Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy..."
No, thank you. I wouldn't mind a bit of flirting, but full-fledged romances tend to be extremely expensive content, causing folks to get cranky if the available options don't suit them. And with reason, since in games that include romances with developed characters, you lose out on a substantial part of the game if those available don't appeal.
I suspect the way Bioware did it (sorry, but they do seem to have found a good recipe
) is the most workable. Just create a collection of varied, interesting characters. Most of the romance content would be indistinguishable from friendship (or questing companion) content - dialogue with the character, backstory, their reaction to player actions etc. That would be content that would be worth having even if the character is an amused and indulgent mentor or a bitter and disdainful mercenary. So long as the later romance portion of that character's dialogue/quests isn't too short I think that could add value to the game without involving a lot of development effort in content players don't value.
Having said that, Bethesda are going to develop a ton of content that particular players will never like. Players who only play stealth characters will find the heavy melee combat a completely wasted effort. Battlemage characters might never sneak once in the whole game - so much for stealth! And what does a Nord berserker want with magic? Wasted content, cut it out!