Have you ever fell in love with one of your NPC's ( gamersixuality ), only to google who's doing the voice acting and be shocked to find out she's in her 60's ( gerontophilia ) ?
Have you ever fell in love with one of your NPC's ( gamersixuality ), only to google who's doing the voice acting and be shocked to find out she's in her 60's ( gerontophilia ) ?
There's plenty of NPC character I have a crush on, but it never makes me look up the VO, because I love the character as a whole, not just the voice.
D2 Tyrael and the Lich King are just a couple of those... I like Danse a lot too.
Come to think of it... I think I have an armor fetish, lol.
No, I have the opposite problem. The VO I was curious enough to look up is pretty hot!
Pretty much the same with any waifu I've had as well.
Caits and Pipers voice actors look amazingly hot IMO.
If Piper weren't a chain smoker, Cait weren't a drug addict and either looked like their voice actors then I'd probably have them be my followers. As it is I can't really stand any of the companions aside from maybe Curie because her combat dialogue is funny.
No. I don't know any besides Nora voice actress and that's only because someone told me her name(which I already forgot and only know she play Jack in Mass Effect).
i just checked who all the voice actors are.. i had no idea matt mercer did the voice for maccready, but i think i'm pleased with that