I'm not saying that there is Romeo and Juliet in Skyrim, but, turns out that if you go to Whiterun you'll find similar aspects, that i found pretty interesting.
I'll make this straight.
- Olfina Gray-Mane = Juliet
- Jon Battle-Born = Romeo
- Clan Gray-Mane = Capulets
- Clan Battle-Born = Montagues
If you hear Olfina talking to a Bosmer in the market, you'll see her talking about Jon, etc etc...
And Jon likes music and poetry.
The two clans used to be friends, but now, they hate each other, BUT, Jon and Olfina are in love even being from diferent clans..
When i found it that was my expression :

It seems that Bethesda put in consideration every detail, and made the cities and villages feel alive... I mean, look at this, how could they have the idea into putting their "own Romeo and Juliet" in Skyrim ? IMO it is pretty cool.