All hail Smith! The [censored] of the wasteland.
That's the thing about being censored, I don't know wether it's a compliment or not.
Thanks bro. Glad you liked it.
*bows to Rooster* All Hail the Rooster for sure! (Raz got it right! hahahaha). I've played through the DLC twice and I still hung on Rooster's every word! Your writing is just so entertaining!!!!!!!!!! It has everything! Humor, serious stuff, emotions etc etc! LOVE IT!
So, wonder how the Journal for Dead Money will look... #$%@#$ I lost my #$%@%#@# Head!!!!!!!!!!!
Next day: #$%@#$# I died in the #$%#@ MIST!
LOL (SAVE OFTEN is all I can say!)

Ah hell that's a compliment man. I just wrote this in one sitting so It's not my best work but the game is so good I have alot to draw from.
Who doesn't want to get caught up and lost in this great world...
I have a few plans with Fallout.
1. finish up in the Mojave, mulitple endings. ( I ruined the legion one.)
2. Do the other expansion packs with my charector "Rooster Smith"
3. Do the legion ending and a few other faction's quests with "Wendy the welder." ( My evil charector.)
4. Play fallout 3. I hear it's amazing and alot of people say it's better. i don't think it is, but I can tell from my brief playthough that it is also awesome.
I'll cover them all in this Dead Horse Journal I think.
How come you took the same ending as i did? Well written i cried about Veronice. Very touching.
Dude. That's the most awesome complimetn I could get. thanks man. I really dig Veronica's charector, her personality, the way she punches things, everything.
True story, in Vault 34. She was surrounded by 5 ghouls. Tough ones. I panicked, had to reload my gun, I picked the wrong one.
She punched her way out of danger. What a Woman!