After this I always try other races as rpg styled characters that I pick based around their lore.
Technically my Nord with HA / combat / Willpower is more an Orc styled character (in accordance to Oblivion racial stats) as Orcs are highest in these two areas (endurance & willpower) and Nords would be suited better with Agility or Speed skills like marksman over any magics. I just play the Nord this way as I find it just works well for me. Destruction gives me range and restoration heals. Alteration gets around security etc.
When I go through the races I try to make them different. I also try to give them armor / robes depending on race and lore.
A Khajiit is usually my next character. I tend to steer from magics and give him light armor with sword and a bow. He is based around sneak and acrobatics.
Dunmer I tend to give similar LA / combat but greatly with conjuration & alchemy (I find this works well).
Atmer or Breton I don't give armor but make full magic in robes.
Anyone else done this?