Only to find out that the admin was a jerk... I heard a racially charged conversation on their TS... So I decided to take a little more time before joining clan, wanted to make sure that this was not a regular thing.. The admin was pressuring me to join... I told him that I was not comfortable just yet and needed a little more Teamspeak time before making decision. Afterall the conversation was not about me, so I was willing to give it another go, not when he demanded it.. This admin told me that this is not what this clan is about... Yet he banned me from TS and website because as he put it "I was whiny bich and an N word" .. He has the N word on his site so that it shows on my PC when I click onto their site....
For future clan members be careful who you join... I had a gut feeling and am REALLY glad I stepped back and thought about it... For you admins ... treat people the way you want to be treated...With dignity and respect. Remember without members your clan is nothing.. I am admin and own servers in Crysis Wars and I always give new members time to make up minds... Never pressure them. If you do, do it with tact... AND stop being Aholes... Never a reason to be an Ahole... This is supposed to be fun...