Rugby + Brink = ?

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:57 am

Cheerios Matey's hehe^_^
Brink already has parkour(S.M.A.R.T), of which movement is to be manifested in BRINK's Player Models' movement; so Matey's, should We not have this game(BRINK) go all the way to the goal(?)...and have Rugby Player movement elements, too?

And please Matey's, let Us not mutiny against Our Queen of England, and make BRINK's Rugby Players' movement elements, watered the hell down--of which may become watered down, from German Beer, to American Red other words, watered down, into United States Sunday Night Football^_^ :intergalactic:

Get it, Football? hahaha<3

Thanks for listening Everyone, cheers. And cheers, for considering reading this thread here, Splash Damange--:intergalactic:

p.s.: If this proposed idea, of having Rugby movement elements in BRINK, was cunningly intergrated with the S.M.A.R.T system; an implementation of this particular movement...will become more Newbie friendly(dare I say); if this Rugby movement elements was executed with the S.M.A.R.T button :hubbahubba: ! However, the general S.M.A.R.T movement of Our Game--BRINK--should remain as a component of Our game, of which will become executed by BRINK Gamers in a manual fashion--as mentioned by the Game--BRINK--Splash Damage's Developer-- :lightbulb:
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lacy lake
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:35 am

Yea, why not add a goal, and a referee.

Seriously, Brink has a slide move which tackles the enemy. There you go, rugby.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:16 am

The Queen of England...has just asked You, Dysfunksion(and I quote):

?How much of Rugby have You ever watched, Matey?

Anywho's Matey, thanks for Your post, Dysfunkshion; of which will keep this thread alive, and afloat! :foodndrink:

And, since Us Matey's have another oppurtunity to propose more, fresh gameplay ideas, for Splash Damage's BRINK; how about Us Matey's...use this opputunity, to propose three more ideas :foodndrink: :celebration: Here We gooooo Matey's:

Camaraderie: It is unquestionable to Myself, that when a Newbie plays a Veteran Gamer, for a prolonged period of time, this aforesaid Newbie gains skills, wisdom, knowledge, and know-how, from the Veteran Gamer in question--and, this Newbie gains these valuable playing components, at a relatively faster place than otherwise, to boot. So, why should not introduce a persistent point tracking system attribute(of which will come packaged with BRINK, heretofore); a persistent point tracking system attritube, of which will indirectly reward Veteran BRINK Gamers, points, special unlocks(etc.) for indirectly(or,l even directly!) training BRINK Newbies...?

I believe that...this persistent point tracking system attritube, will embrace New(bie) BRINK Gamers, of Whom will feel intimidated(etc.) by the vast presence of Veteran/skilled BRINK Gamers, of Whom will otherwise mercilessly slaughter...the aforementioned Newbie BRINK Gamers in question! But, how will this persistent point tracking system feature, embrace of BRINK Newbies? Well, My Good Matey's: if Veteran BRINK Gamers are encouraged to treat Newbie BRINK Gamer's with gentleness, but firmness--in the form of patient, Veteran gaming; but teacher-like mentor-ship--then Newbie Gamers of BRINK, will feel more at ease when approaching the BRINK Gaming Community...when having rested Their eyes, upon the hardcoe skill level, of the BRINK Gaming Community!!!!!!!!!

Next idea, of which We will propose...for Our Dear Queen of England!

Toughness: Instead of having a typical "melee" attack, at One's disposal; it would be nice if You--Splash Damage--considered implementing an attack feature, which replaces the melee attack, with this(for example): when One runs out of a weapon's ammunition, one has the option to through the weapon with depleted ammo, towards One's Opponent, of which weapon will then explode...upon One having detonated the weapon within reasonable reach of One's Opponent, with a remote control!!!!!!!!! This "latent-form" of attack(Throwing the depleted-ammo weapon, of which will remain harmless, until having been detonated), could introduce a level of Gaming hardcoeness, if: the theretofore, harmless weapon, wasn't thrown in a "canned" fashion(As, Mr Paul Wedgewood, of Splash Damage, uses the word^_^); and this explodable weapon in question, can only detonate...if, and only if the weapon is within a reasonable, practical, and commonsensical(read: realistic) distance from the Player; of Whom has tossed the ammo-less weapon, towards the Player's Opponent!!!!!!!!!

And lastly,

Realism: I would appreciate it, if--You Matey's, at Splash Damage--would considered this feature, of which follows: an option in One's BRINK User menu, to enable BRINK to present the presence of "Gibs," of which will be found in the stock(read:default) forms of the games, Quake 1, Quake 2, Quake 3, and Quake 4...

...if One looks on youtube, for videos of these perspective games.

Here is a link to a Quake 2 video, of which We have just found on The Tube :cry: . In This aforementioned video, You will find these "Gibs"--that is, if One can guess what exactly are "Gibs" :obliviongate: hehe :celebration: ( :rofl: ):


Cheers for listening to these proposed ideas in this specific post, of which thread. Clan P@1nk1ll@z really appreciateYour bestowed concern, and Your bestowed support!!!!!!!!!

G'day Maties^_^


Yea, why not add a goal, and a referee.

Seriously, Brink has a slide move which tackles the enemy. There you go, rugby.

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:20 am

instead of throwing an empty weapon that'll explode. maybe the ability to (when you slide) tackle an opponent, and bash his or her head in with your gun :) or even with your fists,, something GOWstyle, but not with a cutscene. not 1bash kill,
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:05 am

i actually refrained from reading your entire posts in the knowledge that i wouldn't know what your saying.
other than that, why would there have to be rugby movements? and how is rugby the end result of parkour?

taking parkour all the way=>rugby... yea... right...

i repeat my earlier question, could you repeat what you mean in some common language?
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:10 pm

i repeat my earlier question, could you repeat what you mean in some common language?


And Rugby = sports, Brink = Shooter.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:53 am

Hi Mr., Mrs., or Ms. IK A S H M 1I R
I indeed, made a point to point out that BRINK--in all probability--would be more elite of a Video Game, if it didn't have an "melee" attack; of which style of an attack, has been around...since at the very least(not counting Street fighter dear Matey's)the introduction of the Video Game--Quake (part 1). Indeed, "Melee" attacks are very old school, in Our humble opinion, Matey :sadvaultboy: I had also consummately addressed the sliding issue, of which You have had referred, in the following Quote of Your post!

Thank You for Your concern of this BRINK forum thread, the content in this BRINK forum thread, and Your philantropic behavior--of which is manifested, in keeping this BRINK forum thread alive and afloat...via Your continual posting in this here BRINK thread!

iinstead of throwing an empty weapon that'll explode. maybe the ability to (when you slide) tackle an opponent, and bash his or her head in with your gun or even with your fists,, something GOWstyle, but not with a cutscene. not 1bash kill,

Hi Mr., Mrs., or Ms Dysfunkshion
Have You checked out...even a modicum of background of information, of which may provide invaluable information, on what the Queen's English is? If You have not yet, Mr., Mrs, or Ms. Dysfunkshion, then You may feel completely free to grab some of this priceless information, on the Queen's English, via the following link of information, here!:

Thank You for Your concern of this BRINK forum thread, the content in this BRINK forum thread, and Your philantropic behavior--of which is manifested, in keeping this BRINK forum thread alive and afloat...via Your continual posting in this here BRINK thread!


And Rugby = sports, Brink = Shooter.

Hi Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Nikto
I refrain from using anything while speaking The Queen's English, when addressing the British People of the Video Game Developers--Splash Damage-- and all of Our other British Matey's that just may inhabit this BRINK forum. A slight tagent, but: Have You ever heard, and then understood the saying of: ""? Also,: I will strive to emulate speaking a more "common language" for Thou--of which is The People Republic of China's language, of which is named The Mandarin language.


Thank You for Your concern of this BRINK forum thread, the content in this BRINK forum thread, and Your philantropic behavior--of which is manifested, in keeping this BRINK forum thread alive and afloat...via Your continual posting in this here BRINK forum thread!

i actually refrained from reading your entire posts in the knowledge that i wouldn't know what your saying.
other than that, why would there have to be rugby movements? and how is rugby the end result of parkour?

taking parkour all the way=>rugby... yea... right...

i repeat my earlier question, could you repeat what you mean in some common language?

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:34 am

Wall of text.

If this continues, this will be my last post in this thread. I'm not interested in The Queen's English. Instead of informing me on a completely irrelevant topic, try to discuss. And I respect your language (even though I don't know if it's really considered an official language, and no I'm not going to read everything wikipedia says about it), but I have to say that it's quite hard to understand for people who don't talk English as their first language.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:31 pm

Hello Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Dysfunkshion
For Your information, I was born in Harlem, New York City, New York State, zip code 10037, of The United States of America. So then, do you mind if I ask You, then: how then, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. English not My native tongue, out of the manifold languages, of which I do speak?

Here is another question, Matey?

Where were You born, Matey? I think it was the Country, of which is called: Belgium.


But--please--do Matey, correct Me if I am entirely wrong...on the location of Your very Birth. Because, being corrected for Me, has persistently, and consistently presented learning experiences...for Me.

If this continues, this will be my last post in this thread. I'm not interested in The Queen's English. Instead of informing me on a completely irrelevant topic, try to discuss. And I respect your language (even though I don't know if it's really considered an official language, and no I'm not going to read everything wikipedia says about it), but I have to say that it's quite hard to understand for people who don't talk English as their first language.

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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:03 am

This whole thing just seems like an obvious troll to me, but ill shoot.

As far as newbies getting owned by veterans, there will be sorted matchmaking in some form or another, in addition to servers where the player can join any game they like. Even without matchmaking, players of similar skills tend to come together on their own. Getting slaughtered isn't fun, but neither is winning without any effort (at least not for most).

I honestly don't see how Rugby is relevant to the game other than offering different types on melee attacks. In that case, what you're really asking for is just more melee attacks. A diverse melee system could be interesting, but splash damage has said that they wanted to avoid focusing on such a thing. As stated earlier, slide tackles are in the game, which is able to knock players down. More types of tackles wouldn't add anything new to the game.

Finally, gibs are already in the game, both ranged and melee, with melee gibs offering an XP bonus.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:29 am

This whole thing just seems like an obvious troll to me, but ill shoot.


posting walls of text no one comprehends while claiming it's the queen's english. sounds like ancient english to me. wait, that's right, the queen is ancient as well? figures.

instead of feeling superior with old mans talk, try using comprehensible words of this age wich everyone can understand so we can point out flaws. that might give us work til our retirement but at least it'll keep me busy.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:47 am

Hi, Mr., Mrs, or Ms. xShadowcat^_^
You are a victim of Your own perception.

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK form thread:
"This whole thing just seems like an obvious troll to me, but ill shoot."

I believe that I discussed this very issue, in the quotation, of which follows below:


Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
"As far as newbies getting owned by veterans,"

I hope so, Matey.

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
in addition to servers where the player can join any game they like.

Here is an anology, to My pointing out that, in twenty out of twenty eight years of hardcoe Gaming, that Veteran Gamers tend to teach Newbie Gamers much more expediently, than a fellow Newbie Gamer teaching another...Newbie Gamer: Would You have preferred to learn to walk as a Baby, from another Baby that was trying to learn at the same time...that You were trying to walk? Let Me ponder upon this puzzle. So then, the puzzle is solved, Matey:

Both of You will teach each other the precepts of walking, by teaching each Other, in Baby language.

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
Even without matchmaking, players of similar skills tend to come together on their own.

I didn't see the movie Saw; but obviously You did Matey, because You are winning a lot by just having seen the movie--Saw. Vicarious living is living sure, without much effort--which is living better, than having to live by putting any exertion forth, at all Matey.

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK form thread:
"Getting slaughtered isn't fun, but neither is winning without any effort (at least not for most)."

And I, several times(indeed):

"The Queen of England...has just asked You, Dysfunksion(and I quote):

?How much of Rugby have You ever watched, Matey?

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
"I honestly don't see how Rugby is relevant to the game other than offering different types on melee attacks."

Am I indeed, Matey? The answer lies within the question, Matey...

...and even so, I can not come up with that answer as of yet. But, I guess...that BRINK's Game Developer Splash Damage, are even that closer, to eschewing the utilization of Melee attacks, in Our Game--BRINK.

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
"in that case, what you're really asking for is just more melee attacks. A diverse melee system could be interesting, but splash damage has said that they wanted to avoid focusing on such a thing."

This thread is not about trolling; it is about the implementation of Rugbyesque movement, in the game--BRINK. Well then, how are Rugby Players allowed to tackle Their Opponents with boots, of which have cleats on the aforesaid boots' soles, Matey?

And I

"The Queen of England...has just asked You, Dysfunksion(and I quote):

?How much of Rugby have You ever watched, Matey?

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
"As stated earlier, slide tackles are in the game, which is able to knock players down."

As implied in the statement, of which We have made, above; Rugby Players cannot tackle with their Opponents using boots, of which have on the aforesaid boots' soles. Nor, can Rugby Players tackle Their aforesaid Opponents, without the use of Their Arms.

And I

"The Queen of England...has just asked You, Dysfunksion(and I quote):

?How much of Rugby have You ever watched, Matey?

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread: "More types of tackles wouldn't add anything new to the game..."

I love gibs Matey, or else I wouldn't have played the Games, of which are called Quake (1), Quake 2, Quake 3, and Quake 4. What I did imply, however, was the a feature, of which allows BRINK Gamers to turn off, or on, the presence of BRINK Gibs.

And I the implications in the following quote:

"Realism: I would appreciate it, if--You Matey's, at Splash Damage--would considered this feature, of which follows: an option in One's BRINK User menu, to enable BRINK to present the presence of "Gibs," of which will be found in the stock(read:default) forms of the games, Quake 1, Quake 2, Quake 3, and Quake 4..."--Buddha.DeNL82

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread: "Finally, gibs are already in the game, both ranged and melee, with melee gibs offering an XP bonus."


I will heed Your advice as soon as possible, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Nikton:

wich everyone can understand so we can point out flaws.

The above reply, is in response to xShadowcat's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this BRINK forum thread:
"posting walls of text no one comprehends while claiming it's the queen's english. sounds like ancient english to me. wait, that's right, the queen is ancient as well? figures."

instead of feeling superior with old mans talk, try using comprehensible words of this age wich everyone can understand so we can point out flaws. that might give us work til our retirement but at least it'll keep me busy.


?Thank You, come again?
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:57 am

Brink+Rugby=Complete nonsense.

You're welcome, answered your equation.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:56 pm

Hi there, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Tune,
I will now intervene between Nikto's next reply, of which will be pertinent to Your very own reply, to My previous reply to Everyone's replies in this thread; and Your very own reply; because trust Me, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Nikto will cause troll-like mayhem, in Our thread of the game, BRINK:

wich everyone can understand so we can point out flaws.


So, let Me intervene between Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Nikto, and Yourself:

=Completely nonsense.

Should read, as:
This (item in question), is complete nonsense.

Your welcome, answered your equation.

Should read, as:
You're[apostrophe ''re' literally means, "are"] welcomed, as I have just answered Your equation.

Let Us now pay heed to Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Nikto's well-enforced grammatical rules, of this here, of the Game--BRINK. :woot:

The above reply, is in response to Nikto's reply to several replies to My Original post, of this Video Game--BRINK-- forum thread:
=Completely nonsense.

Your welcome, answered your equation.

Thank You, come again.

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:24 am

Lol, I typed that with my pinky while eating and watching tv.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:39 am

Hi, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Tune,
You just may watch Myselff--along with Your television--wondering why You didn't type a wall of text. You can also read(with Your Eyes hopefully, and not Your stomach) the following text...of which was typed by which text, was quite possibly typed, with His, or Her toes.

Buddha.DeNL82, on 09 November 2010 - 10:31 PM, said:
Wall of text.

If this continues...

Thank You, come again.

The above reply, is in response to Tune's reply, of which were opined to several replies to My Original post, of this Video Game--BRINK-- forum thread:
Lol, I typed that with my pinky while eating and watching tv.

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stevie trent
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:40 am

If I didn't know better I'd say this was some sort of strange bot that, instead of spamming ads, spams...nonsense. If you're not a bot I apologize, but you are certainly a strange entity either way.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:27 pm

If I didn't know better I'd say this was some sort of strange bot that, instead of spamming ads, spams...nonsense. If you're not a bot I apologize, but you are certainly a strange entity either way.

I guess the nonsense has just ended peacefully. Thank You, Mr. Matt Hooper--Mr. Creative Leader of THE id Software!!!!!!!!!

You have always kept the peace, between John Carmack--the Lead Programmer of id Software--and Myself. :intergalactic:

And yes, Matey's, all of those "posters" in this thread, was John Carmack--with the exception of Sean Carter of roc-a-fella, and My Soul Mate...Mrs. Tong Sennon...aka Mrs. Alias!

p.s. Matey's Both and Myself, were born in the Chinese Year of the Dog--so, "We" are both vying for "THE Top Dog position"...and incessantly, to boot. :sadvaultboy:

And trust Me guys, if You thought that "it's a dog eats dog world" in this very thread...You will NOT believe how much he has been hacking Me over the years...
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:17 pm

Your inappropriate usage of capitals leads me to believe you have no idea of the "Queen's English"
You're from freakin' Jersey, speak 'murrican
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:09 am

is it possible for one to be banned for speaking in such a way that no one can easily understand what he's saying, and when they do understand that they find out it was all useless blabber without any meaning?
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:43 pm

This topic is being closed for flaming other members, flaming other countries, flaming for language usage and just plain being silly.
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