Note To Hrisskar by Danjb
Vodunius Nuccius Extended - Original mod by G.B. Jackson ;edited by Gilyan Andrethi
I left messages in both comments sections and sent Danjb an email asking permission. It seems he hasn't logged into PES in over a year. G.B. and Gilyan didn't have a means of sending them a private message listed and neither has logged in in over 3 years. In my opinion, these mods should have been included in vanilla Morrowind since they deal with situations where it seems very possible there's a quest involved but it was left out for whatever reason. I've looked through the Seyda Neen mods and so far, these are the only two i've found that i'd like to add to my mod. I also plan on adding one of my own mods to this expansion, Menace Of The Deep, which takes place just outside of Seyda Neen.
So, back to my original question. Is there some sort of statute of limitations on how long I have to wait to get a response? If I don't hear back in a few weeks or a month or so, can I just use it? Obviously, if the description specifically states I can or can't use a mod, i'd honor that request. I have full intention on crediting the proper authors for their work.