Firstly, it's on this site, and if anyone wants to read/listen (it autoplays the audio version), it's here:
Actually, now that I think of it, can I post links on here? Anyway, supposedly it's from a radio show, and the interviewer is a little cheesy (and it goes on to promote his own book?), but apparently Terry Pratchett is a huge Oblivion fan. If you read or listen to the interview, he starts talking about how great Oblivion is (Even though the interview was from '09, he was apparently still playing it.) , and then mentions mods. And he goes on for like, ten minutes about mods. I couldn't believe it! He's basically one of my three favourite authors, and he likes one of my favourite games.
Then, a ways into the interview when he's talking about how his character goes and mines ore and makes armor, boots and cheese, he says something like "I've been approached to make a small Discworld mod, and I'm supposed to be all uppity about copyrights and things, but part of me goes "Yo!".
My question is, HOLY CRAP HAS ANYONE MADE THIS MOD?! Or has anyone here talked to Pratchett about it? 'Twould be AMAZING!
Sorry for ranting, and doubly sorry if you have no idea who I'm talking about (though he was, I believe, Britain's best selling author of the 90's up until J.K Rowling and Potter).
PS: If this is the wrong forum to post this in, tell me. I put it here because my question has to do with a mod. But other than that I think any Oblivion and Terry Pratchett fan should get a kick out of this.