Rumor of a Discworld mod/ Interview with Terry Pratchett

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:30 pm

Hi. I'm not sure where to post this, but I was reading (and listening) to an interview with the author Terry Pratchett. Ok, so far this sounds really off topic, but I'll get to the Oblivion stuff. Also, if you haven't read Terry Pratchett, , I'm not sure you'll get anything out of this thread. He wrote, and continues to write, a series of fantasy books called Discworld.

Firstly, it's on this site, and if anyone wants to read/listen (it autoplays the audio version), it's here:

Actually, now that I think of it, can I post links on here? Anyway, supposedly it's from a radio show, and the interviewer is a little cheesy (and it goes on to promote his own book?), but apparently Terry Pratchett is a huge Oblivion fan. If you read or listen to the interview, he starts talking about how great Oblivion is (Even though the interview was from '09, he was apparently still playing it.) , and then mentions mods. And he goes on for like, ten minutes about mods. I couldn't believe it! He's basically one of my three favourite authors, and he likes one of my favourite games.

Then, a ways into the interview when he's talking about how his character goes and mines ore and makes armor, boots and cheese, he says something like "I've been approached to make a small Discworld mod, and I'm supposed to be all uppity about copyrights and things, but part of me goes "Yo!".

My question is, HOLY CRAP HAS ANYONE MADE THIS MOD?! Or has anyone here talked to Pratchett about it? 'Twould be AMAZING!

Sorry for ranting, and doubly sorry if you have no idea who I'm talking about (though he was, I believe, Britain's best selling author of the 90's up until J.K Rowling and Potter).

PS: If this is the wrong forum to post this in, tell me. I put it here because my question has to do with a mod. But other than that I think any Oblivion and Terry Pratchett fan should get a kick out of this.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 pm

Sure you can post links here on this forum, but some links must have this disclaimer attached to it before your link. :)

disclaimer = ""

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:18 pm

Er, should I edit my post and include that or what? Do I just post that bethesda disclaimer link?
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 pm

As far as I know, you don't need that disclaimer link anymore. You just can't link to any material that you wouldn't be allowed to post (advlt material, hateful material, illegal material, etc.).

Anyway, that's awesome. A full Discworld mod would be an extremely large project, but parts of the books have featured in some mods - Wrye's Luggage comes to mind immediately, being based on the Discworld Luggage (I can't recall if he actually managed to get someone to create and/or animate a new mesh for it, though). An Ankh-Morpork mod would be rather large too, but more reasonable perhaps...
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 pm

Yes, just edit your post and add that disclaimer link (paste it before the main link). :)

No, not post it. :nope:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:49 pm

I agree it would be amazing. What's the Luggage mod like? Is it literally a chest that follows you? I am totally getting that if so.

I just find the interview fascinating. It's so odd, yet heartwarming to hear this old(ish) guy with a Pythonesque accent be like, MODS! In my game, you have to get water, and it has to be pure, and you can dive down and fill your water bottle, and my guy is a thief assassin who owns a vineyard and has servants.

It made me want to get more into Oblivion mods myself. I didn't know they had mods where you had to mine ore, or you could own a business like a vineyard... His enthusiasm for it made me want to try a more passive, crafts type character. I always dreamed of an RPG where I could make bread or something cool like that and besides Gothic there aren't that many (MMO's excluded.)
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:43 pm

I agree it would be amazing. What's the Luggage mod like? Is it literally a chest that follows you? I am totally getting that if so.

There are two that I know of that come close to this:
One is Mimics, which creates "mimics' which are chests which are really creatures full of teeth. These have been used as a resource in other mods as well.

The other is COBL, which includes "The Luggage" that appears in set locations around any of your own homes (etc.) that you come across, mimicking it following you around. It also includes a brief intro conversation implicating that the luggage is sentient and only follows you because it likes you.

One modder in particular also seems to be a fan: Slof (or AlienSlof) has made a couple of mods that include Discworld references.
Her "Slofs Dogs" includes dogs with such telling names as Rincewind and Gaspode.
And her Clothing mods includes what is undeniably Rincewind's robe and pointy hat, right down to the lettering on the hat: "Wizzard."

A Discworld overhaul, or a Discworld game in the oblivion format, would be simply awesome though!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:59 pm

Cool, I'll look into them. I'd love to have that clothing set and play a bumbling mage or something.

So, does anyone know if those were the people he mentioned in the interview (if that even panned out) who he had been "in talks" with?
Also, ARE there any copyright issues with those kinds of mods?
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:59 pm

There's a mod for Morrowind that adds a player owned tavern near Ebonheart and it's basically full of Discworld references. Since I never read anything from that series (yet) I was bit lost..
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:29 pm

This is weird, Terry Prachett is one of my favourite authors, and also lives in my neck of the woods. If he ever started modding you could expect something highly unusual.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 pm

Thanks for the info Gibush, will be having a look into this later at home. Also a discworld reader here, I know recently he has become a fan of emma's vilja, he thanked emma for producing the least robotic companion mod he had experienced. Have a look through the comments on nexus (though it might be hard to find - viljas endorsemant thread is getting huge).
He also gets a mention in vilja's description credits, for valuable suggestions for improvement on version 2.
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michael danso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:11 pm

Woah, back up here, you lost me. So Terry Prachett, the author, is an Oblivion mod fan?....and....Terry Prachett is in particular a fan of Emma's Vilja?....aaaand Terry Prachett wants to make a mod based on his books?
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:30 am

He was asked by modders if they could make one and then talked about wanting to not have to worry about copy write and say yes.

It is only 12 minutes long but he sounded like I imagine I do when i talk about the modders here.

What is this robot mod by emma? [edit] ohh least robotic ... again :bonk:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

What is this robot mod by emma?

Not a robot mod, I was referring to a comment Terry made about vilja, he was referring to the companion mod being the least robotic companion mod, in other words he feels its the most life-like out of the companion mods.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 pm

Uh yeah that's me. I approached him a while back and asked him if I could make Ankh-Morpork and he was like "Yeah".
Also got a bunch of videos of him talking about his favorite mods for 20 minutes straight, which I really need to get uploading...
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:47 am

Wow. I never knew Pratchett was a fan of Oblivion and Oblivion mods. I've been reading Pratchett since Sourcery was issued, which must have been in ther late 80's. I'm so looking forward to listening to that interview when I get home from work.

I think it's pretty obvious that Pratchett himself will not be making mods, for one thing he's got ther beginnings of Senile Dementia, which wouldn't help with somwething so fiddly.

I think it's much more likely that Pratchett would work some sly and/or obscure references to Oblivion and its mods into one of his books. The next time I read a recent Pratchett book I will be looking very hard for Oblivion references.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:44 pm

Uh yeah that's me. I approached him a while back and asked him if I could make Ankh-Morpork and he was like "Yeah".
Also got a bunch of videos of him talking about his favorite mods for 20 minutes straight, which I really need to get uploading...

If you uploaded that, the gaming news sites like Kotaku would be on it for sure, they love that obscure game fan stuff. You really should.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:01 pm

Trainwiz, did anything ever come of that? Did you ever make any of it? (I'd love to even play an alpha, or beta...or one street of Ankh!
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:00 pm

The Kajit would say now: "Interrressstinnnnngggg!!!" :ooo:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 pm

Trainwiz, did anything ever come of that? Did you ever make any of it? (I'd love to even play an alpha, or beta...or one street of Ankh!

Also Oblivion's ugly facegen stuff actually works really well with Paul Kidby's renditions of the characters like, scary well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:42 pm

Also one of his favorite mods was the, at least when I talked to him
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 am

I haven't even read that many of his (on Monstrous Regiment now) maybe 5-6, and I don't have any of those Ankh-Morpork maps or anything, so I don't know all the ins and outs of Ankh, but that looks awesome! I would love even to go into the Broken Drum or something and just check it out.

So do you know if he still plays Oblivion and checks out mods? I wonder if he's able to play games as much with his Alzheimer's, because apparently he can't read without the words kind of swimming or something. It would be awesome if he still does!

Edit: I missed your last post when I was posting. I'll totally check out that mod. (Romancing of Eyja or whatever).

Does anyone know what mods those were that he was talking about? Like, the one that lets you make boots and cheese and own a vineyard and makes white water where you have to go fill up your bottle? Sounds really cool! Are they well known mods or anything?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:40 pm

From what i remember, his Alzheimer's affects mainly motor functions, so he actually wrote the last few books via text to speech or similar.
But who knows.
I also remember him being a big fan of the Thief series...
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 am

Yeah, that's what I read. So things like graphics and moving pictures or what not would be fine for him? If he couldn't play Oblivion anymore, that would svck.

Oh yeah.
Bizarrely, and I have NO idea if this is real, but I searched on google something like "Pratchett plays video games Oblivion" or something to see what would come up, because I was like, holy crap, my favourite author plays videogames?! And there was this post on something with a stupid name like "Gamez" or "Gamerz" or something forum, in the Thief Dark Shadows section saying something like, "I've been playing Oblivion lately. Is there anything that can make it more like Thief? Also, the bad guys keep getting better as I do..." and signed Terry Pratchett.

Now, obviously someone could pretend to be anyone on a forum, but if someone impersonates a celebrity or whatever, they'd usually be like "I'm Brad PiTT and I'm jusst checkin' in LOL!", but this post was just a question about Thief and OB and nothing saying like "I'm a bestselling author!" or anything.

I thought it was pretty funny anyway but like I said I have no idea if it's real.
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JD bernal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:44 pm

Does anyone know what mods those were that he was talking about? Like, the one that lets you make boots and cheese and own a vineyard and makes white water where you have to go fill up your bottle? Sounds really cool! Are they well known mods or anything?

I think its

@ Trainwiz - O_o Ankh is looking good, I didn't think anyone would be able to take on such a thing, its potentially a vast undertaking when you think about the detail. The population has a multitude of characters to choose... just from the Morporkians, is it possible to get guards to run the other direction away from trouble :laugh:
I certainly dont envy you having a go, but wish you the best.
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