[WIPz] Rumple mod new quest

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 pm

I'm in the middle of creating a new quest to add to my mod with the Imperial Mountain Riders and their Polar bear mounts, and the idea behind this one is to give them a headquarters at a lodge just outside Bruma (since all the current patrols are up in the Jerral Mountains). I've already taken a clone of the Bruma Fighters' Guild building and relocated and refurnished it for them, and started scripting up a quest for having it built. There's a barkeep and a Rider Captain that I can use to start further quests (I feel a series coming on).

But this got me thinking about accommodations for the Imperial Legion patrols in general. The City guards have barracks, and many of the patrols on the major roads pass, or end at, an Inn, so we can assume that those Legionnaires get to rest somewhere.

What of the others? They respawn if killed, so one presumes that the Legion sends a new soldier to take over the patrol from somewhere. It would make sense if that's also where they get trained, a base that they rotate duties through, etc. Even if they have a resting location on their patrol route, you'd expect they'd get a few days off from time to time, and go back to - where? I need to have an answer to this to make sense of separating the Mountain Riders' Lodge from this general Legion base. One candidate is the IC Prison district - there is a headquarters office there, as well as a central armory, but not a lot of housing for the men. I've already housed one of the Riders temporarily in an IC Guard Tower, so I know there's a bit of spare capacity there. Any other ideas?
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