Run through container, check against formlist

Post » Mon May 05, 2014 11:42 pm

Hey guys I'm at another wall where I can't work out how to do something. I need to run through all items inside a container (there will only ever be 1 or 2), and check to see if the item exists in a form list.

I'm struggling because I know we can't call member functions on objects inside containers.

Specifically I need the following info:

Check container's objects against a form list.
If the object exists in the form list, I need to know the index in that form list for that item.

I'm fiddling about with a couple of methods I use for similar things but have never specifically done this before. Checking GetItemCount(myFormList) will return true, but I need to know the index of the object in the form list. I know that I'll need to use GetAt(), but I'm not sure how to call that on the objects in the container.

As always really appreciate any help :smile:

I should note that however messy I would like to achieve this without SKSE. Although I enjoy building optional SKSE features into my mod, I don't want a major feature to require it (if possible ;))
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Lexy Corpsey
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