Just curious if there is a way to disarm a cast rune WITHOUT stepping on it and getting you and the room tossed. I tried shooting an arrow at it with no luck, but I figure there has to be a way to set it off from a safe distance. Anybody know how?
I use cannon fodder. Either send in a companion I dislike, or conjure something into the rune. I suppose using a ward spell would also work. Cast it til the shield is fully charged then step onto the rune (It'd avoid damaging you at least).
I always Whirlwind Sprint trough them. Not sure if it helps avoiding damage though :lmao:
I whirlwind sprinted past some swinging blades, more accurately I whirlwind sprinted into swinging blades. Still took damage. I imagine runes might be different as you are triggering the blast as you pass over it. So you could be moving fast enough to be ahead of the blast, where me going full speed into a knife would still hurt.... Alot.
You can set them off by shooting the equal element at them. For example if it is a Shock Rune, you can use any Shock spell to force it to explode, remember to keep your distance though.