I am considering adding a Races section and a Saved Games section, annd as such, I would love to recieve links from my viewers! Thanks, all

Better Grey Fox to the Miscellaneous Section
Super Fast Arrows the the Tweaks Section
The Lost Hideout to the Houses Section
Thieve's Arsenal for use with Darker Dungeons and Real Lights to the Quests Section
The Complete Ranger to the Overhauls Section
Real Lights to the Tweaks Section
Darker Dungeons to the Tweaks Section
Original Color Darker Nights to the Tweaks Section
Extinguish the Lights - Compatable With Real Lights to the Miscellaneous Section
Armaments of Bloodsight to the Weapons and Armors Section
Enter the Shinobi to the Factions Section
Thanks for the add to the list Running4COver, and yeah, it is a good listing.
-Coors916 :ninja: