Time to earn that button. Obviously, every assassin needs tools, and sometimes they just need a bow or a dagger to finish the job. So here we go!
http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6836 and http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5929 are some very fancy over-the-top daggers, perfect for any assassin.
For kickass bows, you need http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13519 which adds a bunch neat bows to the game of various styles. It adds some other stuff as well, but its mostly bows.
http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4804 is perfect for those who want simple yet elegant bows, or a fine sabre for those close combat situations.
http://tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=72638may fall under the same category as Deadly Reflex here, with "some stuff for stealth but mostly not" but its still worth mentioning. It adds a bunch of daggers, bows and arrows, and shortswords to the game. FCOM users should use the FCOM_Realswords module instead of these.
http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12757 is essential- it adds a variety of throwing weapons to the game, perfect for assassins.
Oh yes, a note: the Darkstelth gear may have a retexed Mehrune's Razor, but that's okay since the mesh for it is in vanilla. You don't need Mehrune's Razor.
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