My PC runs great on Extreme but Ultra is a Different Story..

Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:55 pm

I need to know what I can do to be able to play Crysis 2 on full Ultra settings. Right now on Extreme it runs great but when i set everything to ultra its very slow and the response time svcks. Here is my current setup

OS = Win 7 64bit
Motherboard = Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3h
Processor = AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2gigahertz ( not overclocked, and i dont really know how)
Graphics Card = (1) Radeon HD 6870
Ram = 8gig

but i am also wanting to gear up and be able to run Battlefield 3 at max settings so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:50 pm

Wait till 2013.
Buy New Graphics Card for $1000
Profit in the glory of DX11

No but seriously, you'll Prob need and SLI/Crossfire 590s/6990s.
And Patrick Bach has also said that there in no way to "Max" out BF3 at the moment. At their demos, they were playing it a very high.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:38 pm

What's your definition of "very slow"? Ultra settings are meant to tax high end cards because there are a lot of high quality DX11 effects.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:46 pm

Thanks for the info! So my processor and all that is fine? I just need to crossfire another card?

and at Wrath, i mean its to the point where its unplayable.. it can handle some of the effects at ultra... just not all. Its real jerky and chopy
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:40 pm

Mine runs exactly the same on crossfire 5770's.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:22 pm

Your current setup "should" run "Ultra" settings.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:35 pm

well it runs... but not like it needs to... if i get a chance... i will film it with FRAPS and then send you the link to it on youtube
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Cody Banks
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:04 am

Again, it is a optimization issue.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:39 pm

Sorry to sound like a tard King_of_Sand....what do you mean by that?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:45 am

Sorry to sound like a tard King_of_Sand....what do you mean by that?

You are not a "tard" rabidwookie. :)

There are moments in the game were your FPS will drop because the game is not using the GPU effectivly. If you download a program like "msi afterburner" you can monitor your GPU usage. I have a radeon 6990 and there are parts were my FPS will drop to 15 and stay there for a few seconds. And i look at my GPU usage during that situation and its at 20%. This is called un-optimization.

The only time a GPU or CPU should drop below 100% is when it is not needed, NOT when its needed the mose. If you are getting above 60FPS its normal to have a GPU usage drop below 100% because it does not need all the power. but if you are getting 10 15 FPS and your GPU is only at 15% usage, that is a software application issue from poor optimization.

I am confident though that Crytek will fix this.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:35 am

well on ultra mine never gets better =/
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:20 pm

well on ultra mine never gets better =/

You are also using 1 6870 which is not fast enough anyways. You will need to get a second one to get some really good FPS. Also wait a week or so when they patch some more and you can expect better FPS. Als remember, you are using a AMD card, this game wors better on Nvidia cards, so thats also part of the problem.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:10 am

thanks again for your help! i have been thinking of getting another 6870, but they are pretty pricey. and i only have an 850 watt supply.. so i will have to get another one of those as well =/ I just dont know what wattage supply to get
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:59 am

ATI/AMD gfx card users are screwed with the DX11 patch atm. The patch is very nVidia biased but that's not so surprising since the DX11 support was "comissioned" by them so CryTEK made sure it runs well on nV hardware.

ATI/AMD users will have to wait for a new driver/profile/fix from CryTEK themselves.

For now Radeon 6xxx users will have to play with Object on Extreme instead of Ultra since that's the setting that's cutting fps in half.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:06 pm

Ya the Object setting is what i noticed to be the main killer, that and i think shadows and particle
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:28 am

Ya the Object setting is what i noticed to be the main killer, that and i think shadows and particle


The new Ultra spec enables:
1. Object: Tessellation, Parallax Occlusion Mapping
2. Particles: Shadows, Particle Motion Blur
3. Post Processing: High Quality Motion Blur and DOF
4. Shading: Contact shadows, Realtime Local Reflections
5. Shadows: Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
6. Water: DX11 version of ocean and water volume

according to:
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jessica robson
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:29 pm

There is actual shadow casting on particles and motion blur on them too. They're very filrate intensive so set them lower if you get slowdown near particles like gunshots.
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trisha punch
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:58 am

The ultra settings runs mostly just fine on my computer except for some heavy dips when looking at small bodies of water, like when I'm taking a shortcut in the sewers. The brick tesellation is killing me too, some parts of the game there aren't any brick surfaces at all, so it's just the occasional bumps on the walls and ground that needs tessellation, but there are other parts of the game where you are surrounded by brick structures...yikes!

The brick tessellation effect sure looks impressive, but for some reason the textures on those 3D bricks are still stuck in the stone age, so the bricks still look like they are made from jelly, jelly with tessellation, that is. There isn't enough detail in the brick textures for me to even see any clear separation between the brick itself and the cement that's holding it in place, it just looks like someone slightly stirred them up with a teaspoon after they somehow melted.

And also, the "real-time" reflections probably does not apply to water puddles. In the 'Rooftop' mission, I found at least 3 water puddles that reflected the exact same image, even though they were nowhere near the same place, kinda lame if you ask me.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:27 pm

Yeah, the non local reflections look pretty awful still because the cube maps look cheap, probably optimised for consoles to save memory. A lot of these things modders can fit in the editor anyway.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:47 am

ATI/AMD gfx card users are screwed with the DX11 patch atm. The patch is very nVidia biased but that's not so surprising since the DX11 support was "comissioned" by them so CryTEK made sure it runs well on nV hardware.

ATI/AMD users will have to wait for a new driver/profile/fix from CryTEK themselves.

For now Radeon 6xxx users will have to play with Object on Extreme instead of Ultra since that's the setting that's cutting fps in half.

DX11 is in no way brand biased.

How a game runs on different branded hardware has to do with drivers, architecture, and targeted game features (such as PhysX, however any brand can run PhysX, the ONLY reason AMD/ATI can't is because Nvidia will not allow it. It has nothing to do with hardware). The only other time would be if the game was coded to purposely favor one or the other. Not something you are going to see very often since that would alienate a good half of their customer base.

Nvidia is loosing sales on stand-alone GPU's, they have been for most of this past year, while AMD has seen an impressive increase in sales. The last quoted numbers I recall seeing were from last month. Nvidia posting a 28% sales drop while AMD saw a 15% increase.

Nvidia's money makers have been CUDA and PhysX. The technology behind CUDA is nothing special or specific to Nvidia, it's just their branding on their verison of the technology, it's also something that AMD is starting to implement. CUDA in an of itself has no impact on gaming, CUDA cores and Stream Processors do the same thing, they just go about it differently. AMD remained focused on gaming while Nvidia expanded out to allow other applications that GPU's are better suited for over CPU's. A bandwagon AMD is now jumping on, though they are still behind Nvidia in non-gaming application processing on the GPU.

PhysX is also just a trademark, an engine they purchased from Ageia (I actually still own the last stand-alone PhysX PPU produced by Ageia before Nvidia killed them), and thus is Nvidia's proprietary branded physics engine. PhysX was the first real powerful and dependable Physics engine out there. This is why Nvidia purchased it and had a nice long run on top with it. However the PhysX engine can run on any GPU, the ONLY reason it wont run on an AMD/ATI GPU is because Nvidia has disallowed it. The popularity of PhysX in PC gaming has seen a sharp and massive decline. Most mainstream games either use their own engine for physics, Havoc, or anything else that does not limit it's usage to a single GPU brand.


My single 6970 is performing just as good as it's Nvidia counterpart, full ultra 1080P high-res textures, based on every posted FPS rating I have seen so far, here and elsewhere. I never drop under 30FPS and hover in the mid to high 40's with spikes over 70. There is no brand biased that I can see from a performance standpoint. The only issue I see the OP having is trying to run on ultra on a 6870. The 6870 is a great card, that is not in question, but it is a great "mid-range" card. Under what Crysis 2 will really need to run smoothly on ultra at 1080P.

Reducing Objects to "Extreme" will indeed add FPS to your game no matter what GPU you run. I see about a 10 FPS increase if I set it at Extreme as opposed to Ultra. There is no noticeable visual difference I can see at all between the two settings. However I leave mine set to Ultra since it does not hinder the performance of the game on my system enough to effect the experience. This would be a good setting to adjust for those players who are sitting on the borderline between playable and not.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:07 pm

There is nothing to stop AMD licensing the tech from NVIDIA(unless NVIDIA don't want to). Intel and AMD cross license tech for their CPUs and so do a lot of companies.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:10 am

Thanks strider! so would 2 6870's allow me to run it max 1080p? also here is a video of my setup on ultra.. this is just to see the moevement and what not.. tho the video actually captured better than what it does
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am

There is nothing to stop AMD licensing the tech from NVIDIA(unless NVIDIA don't want to). Intel and AMD cross license tech for their CPUs and so do a lot of companies.

They all cross license with one and other in different aspects.

There is no tech that AMD would need to license from Nvidia that's relevant to gaming. They can do it all themselves. That's what's stopping them. heh

Thanks strider! so would 2 6870's allow me to run it max 1080p? also here is a video of my setup on ultra.. this is just to see the moevement and what not.. tho the video actually captured better than what it does

Running dual 6870's would indeed pull the game into playable FPS ranges. The only problem I would see is the 1GB VRAM limit on the cards. The high-res texture pack really needs more. So I am not sure what impact that would have. Since even in crossfire, the GPU's work together, the VRAM does not get combined. It's still 1GB per GPU. Where as the 6900 series have 2GB stock.

Though I still think it would greatly improve the game performance that's for sure.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:50 am

can you crossfire a 6870 with a 6900 series?or does it need to be the same card
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chloe hampson
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:08 am

They all cross license with one and other in different aspects.

There is no tech that AMD would need to license from Nvidia that's relevant to gaming. They can do it all themselves. That's what's stopping them. heh

Bit of a contradiction don't you think? AMD would benefit from licensing PhysX and CUDA.
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