Sacrificing Companion Background? plus random poll for enter

Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:29 am

No one has picked Red guard....your all racist!!

Including me lol....

Waiting for someone to vote for red guard
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:20 pm

Im for less companions but with bigger back stories and some quests. But if i pick a mage/priest they better not run into melee, or if they get swarmed they need to use an Invisibility spell/potion, and when they get back on me either nuke em or start spammin some heals on me. and toss in a shield spell. Would be great.
I mean look at how they have scripted and unscripted dragons by throwing in conditions. THey could make companions REALLY good.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:40 am

The Fallout New Vegas companions are what I'd prefer. They are an amazing part of that game, a real favorite with me. They are diverse and some have deep and dramatic back stories with quests and I always know they have my back. We've been told we're not getting that and I was sorry to hear it. I know each game should be different though and I'm hoping I'll really like what they've done with the "companions" in Skyrim.

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Harry Leon
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:22 pm

Having a companion imo makes the game more interesting as you can always just tell them to go away. It makes looting a dungeon all the more easy ;)

Having a follower that had a quest or two linked to them would be good, or having them need to go off and complete their own quest and you can offer them help would be pretty cool. It would make the whole companion system less one dimensional.

If they could go and buy their own equipment etc would add realism, so they didn't have to look like you wanted them. This could also be implemented that certain followers do more of their own thing than others say.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:39 am

It depends. Are we going to be able to have five at a time like in Oblivion? Or two at a time like in New Vegas? Or just one at a time like in Fallout 3?

I liked the New Vegas approach, but their AI was still pretty bad, even if you gave them nice equipment and a ton of stimpacks.

Actually, in Oblivion, the Dark Brotherhood people were probably the best companions you could get, since they had more options than just "follow me" and "wait here". Getting a marksman from there actually made for a good companion if you were a warrior, especially since they died a lot less...I would be happy if we had more followers like that with less storyline as much as I would prefer it the other way around.

Get out, orcs are the sixiest and everyone knows it!
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:50 pm

I cant vote on your poll because it doesnt seem to include the option spellsword.

Anyway, I think a bit of balance is best.
A little more fleshed out than the walking background that Oblivion style mages apprentices and the like were, a little less than Dragon Age, because I simply do not care about my companions petty problems.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:29 am


[just kidding]

How is talking :)
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:40 pm

I'd prefer just a few companions with nice stories. I mostly want companions for the sake of company and friendship, but they do need to have some type of combat prowess, or else they might as well just be an NPC friend who stays at home.

I'm expecting it to be a little more like FONV combined with Oblivion. A bunch of no-importance NPC followers combined with a few NPCs that have a small story attached to them.

No one has picked Red guard....your all racist!!

Including me lol....

Waiting for someone to vote for red guard

I just did. The lack of love for Redguards breaks my heart.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:25 pm

did not see any topic so im making one about Companion Lore

i remember in a Interveiw with Todd he mention that they where going to try out more Companions at the cost of backstories for them, now this is my Personal opinion and i think people would agree that Background and lore is a reason why people play RPGs, for the story and ability to make choices. I would Rather have 5 different unique backgrounds, personalities and opinions on the stories much like the Squad mates in Mass Effect (great game) i really dont want dull mercenaries or a silent priest who just wants to aid you on your quest...."or atleast if they dont want to talk about or have a backstory"

My fear is Fallout 3 companions who all seemed to have a awesome background but at the same time in the end of the day they where just pack mules who carried my stuff i dont want that for TES companions i want awesome Heros, badass Mercs like Wrex, pampered mages who always get there way and Priest with dark backgrounds with cool stories
does anyone else feel the same or am i alone? why or why not

and one Q will the companions work like they did in Fallout:NV with a companion wheel?

Completely agree, if I want a dull, boring companion I can make one in a mod myself. I cant come up with dialog, backstory, and the like nearly as easily, and I shouldnt really have to.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:21 pm

balance would be nice. at least 1 for every race, and at least 1 for every faction (there are more than 3 factions, fyi). have a decent personality, but of course, you re the Dragonborn, and this is your story, not theirs. give them a couple companion quests, but keep the focus on the Dragons and Civil War. and no stereotypical companions please (i'm talking race AND character)
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:08 am

You need an "I don't know yet" on that "what weapons will you wield" question. :)


As for Companions.... I'm hoping for Fallout 3 style companions rather than Fallout: New Vegas. I don't want them to be deep and developed. Why? Because I've never liked companions in Oblivion or Fallout 3, and the fact that they were shallow allowed me to avoid using them. The companions in Fallout:NV had large amounts of game content attached to them in the form of sidequests and other similar things - I felt that I had to use them in order to play the game, and I really didn't like it at all.

Shallow, simple companions are alot easier to avoid, honestly. :shrug:

Why I don't like the companions - I don't need cargo help; and I really don't need them screwing up combat - they're either underfoot messing up the things you're trying to do (Sydney), or they're overpowered and killing stuff before you can (Fawkes, Boone). Most of the time, it's The Escort Mission That Never Ends. :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:30 pm

Just give me dogmeat and I'm good to go.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:00 pm

I just did. The lack of love for Redguards breaks my heart.

And I just 2nd that with my vote

Anyways, I'd prefer them to work on thier AI, they always get in my way in FO3 they would disapear for some unknown reason (fawk & dogmeat) were the worst.... an hour or so later while I would be sneaking around some building I would here a booby trap go off somewhere and guess what.... they magically show back up.

I thought new vegas did a pretty good job.

Beside better AI, I'd like the somekind of option of being about to talk them into (maybe if you have a high speech skill) leveling up certian skills faster then others, maybe unlocking a few quest that way. Also would like the ability to teach them new skill or them teaching me new skills.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:53 am

Balance, and with no limit. I think there should be some like the ones in NV, but also spawning generic ones (like the DB guys in OB). I don't like a limit on companions, you should be able to have a small army if you want (as long as you can do everything without anyone). Maybe the player should responsible for their companions' upkeep, so there is a penalty for having a small army?
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carley moss
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:39 pm

Not too crazy about humanoid companions, I prefer to go alone usually. However, I'd love a pet dog as a companion. Maybe have basic commands; attack, heel, maybe fetch, ect, that'd be awesome.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:32 am

I at least think there should be one for each race

That's a great idea. They could create a quest around this for The Companions guild where you have to search around Skyrim and recover a member of The Companions from each race. They were all kidnapped by dragons and scattered around the world in various hard to find places. Finding the first one is easy but it gets progressively harder until the last one and they are each guarded by a dragon that gets progressively harder to defeat until the last one which is really difficult. Each companion you find can point you in the direction of the next one. After you rescue them they say, "If you ever need a friend or some extra muscle on your travels, come find me in The Companions guild." Once you complete the quest you will have unlocked all Companions and you can get them to follow you at your leisure.

EDIT: I would say max 2 companions following you at a time. This isn't Mount & Blade (phenomenal game too BTW)
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:13 pm

I like to rock it alone, but if there are characters with strong backstories, then I would travel with them for a while. No character has made me smile like the Droid from KOTOR though. I would not mind a companion that I could have them wait at my house cooking, smithing, enchanting and cleaning. Wait that sounds like marriage nevermind...
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:58 pm

i hope theres alot of common, respawning companions (berserker, barbarian ax wielder, etc) that are pretty much only for distracting dragons and dying a horrible death
but i also want a good few that have back stories and quests linked to them like the ones in FONV
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:24 pm

did not see any topic so im making one about Companion Lore

i remember in a Interveiw with Todd he mention that they where going to try out more Companions at the cost of backstories for them, now this is my Personal opinion and i think people would agree that Background and lore is a reason why people play RPGs, for the story and ability to make choices. I would Rather have 5 different unique backgrounds, personalities and opinions on the stories much like the Squad mates in Mass Effect (great game) i really dont want dull mercenaries or a silent priest who just wants to aid you on your quest...."or atleast if they dont want to talk about or have a backstory"

My fear is Fallout 3 companions who all seemed to have a awesome background but at the same time in the end of the day they where just pack mules who carried my stuff i dont want that for TES companions i want awesome Heros, badass Mercs like Wrex, pampered mages who always get there way and Priest with dark backgrounds with cool stories
does anyone else feel the same or am i alone? why or why not

and one Q will the companions work like they did in Fallout:NV with a companion wheel?

I like more companions, the simple ones you could get in Oblivion, but I want more like 3 or 4. It will feel like a party of knights or vikings. I don't like Fallouts way.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:00 am

I would want companions in the same style as the New Vegas companions, only with deeper stories and longer quest lines. NV was a good start in finding better ways to add some interesting characters to the Beth style of open world game. It just needs to be taken further and fleshed out.
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:42 am

I'd like NV-like companions.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:13 pm

Just give me dogmeat and I'm good to go.

best commet here
I LOVE,r:14,s:0&biw=1345&bih=583 SOO MUCH I WISH HE WAS IN SKYRIM!!!
I named my German shepherd DOGMEAT! ?? :wub: ???dogmeat??? :wub: ?? i love you forever

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:45 am

I'd prefer just a few companions with nice stories. I mostly want companions for the sake of company and friendship, but they do need to have some type of combat prowess, or else they might as well just be an NPC friend who stays at home.

I'm expecting it to be a little more like FONV combined with Oblivion. A bunch of no-importance NPC followers combined with a few NPCs that have a small story attached to them.

I just did. The lack of love for Redguards breaks my heart.

yea i agree hopefully we will have fallout:NV type companions and hired Merc with basic fallout 3 dialogue for the people who dont care for story
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:14 pm

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:48 pm

Actually Todd did say that there would be some companions with deep back stories and dialog.
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Leonie Connor
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