You need an "I don't know yet" on that "what weapons will you wield" question.

As for Companions.... I'm hoping for Fallout 3 style companions rather than Fallout: New Vegas. I
don't want them to be deep and developed. Why? Because I've never liked companions in Oblivion or Fallout 3, and the fact that they were shallow allowed me to avoid using them. The companions in Fallout:NV had large amounts of game content attached to them in the form of sidequests and other similar things - I felt that I had to use them in order to play the game, and I really didn't like it at all.
Shallow, simple companions are alot easier to avoid, honestly. :shrug:
Why I don't like the companions - I don't need cargo help; and I really don't need them screwing up combat - they're either underfoot messing up the things you're trying to do (Sydney), or they're overpowered and killing stuff before you can (Fawkes, Boone). Most of the time, it's The Escort Mission That Never Ends. :sadvaultboy: