I think New Vegas had companions at about the point that I'd like to see. No real deep relationships, but they'd still have a personality and maybe a quest or two. Maybe borrow a bit from the buddies in Far Cry 2, if anyone's played that. I'd want more personality and story out of them, but to have them functionally a cross between FC2 and New Vegas would be great.
I want there to be friendships kinda like FarCry 2 where they will help you fight and if you both win he/she will say "Oh I just got worried about you and I followed you because I thought you would say no..." And you can cook with them, wood cut with them, and do other things like hunting and such. And sometimes they will ask you to hunt down a theif that stole his/her special amulet that was given to them by their parents. Something along the lines of that.
I have been saying that for a while now. I even had that whole thing saved just for this occasion.
By the way, I would like the talk to one, and the fighting one as well.