tedium of bug-fixes and over all dysfunctional nature tends to diminish the first wonders of a new game, ruining the overall experience. These issues seem to never quite be honed out until sometime after
the release.(Shoot think of RAGE, It wasn't even playable by many for a week after release) I'd much-rather have a release date pushed back for fine-tuning than the enjoyability ruined due to an unfinished product made
available to appease the masses on the promised day.
YA!!! 11/11/11-Great publicity!!....HA
I was lucky. When i first bought this game it ran, of course with various bugs and so forth but it ran, than the wondrous patch
comes the 'FIX,' and now my game is unable to even run at all. Oh and to top everything off Steam has made it impossible to run the executable file (that I RIGHTFULLY BOUGHT FOR SIXTY DOLLARS to install on MY HARD DRIVE so I could run it *LOCALLY* and WHENEVER I WANTED TO) without connecting through them. Great!!! so if steams servers are down I CANT PLAY THE SOFTWARE I PURCHASED, or if Bethesda releases a fubar patch i have no choice but to update just to run the EXECUTABLE FILE that's on MY COMPUTER ??anybody else raising an eyebrow??
Disappointment after disappointment and I'm not even hard to please. Its Simple...
STEAM!! keep your hands off my HARD DISK and BETHESDA don't release chit until its finished.
IF you were to
release a car off the factory line to be purchased, and the tires lug-nuts were not installed the tires would fall right the frack off and little Timmy and his
Parents would crash, burn, and melt into the expensive polyester.