Hey everybody,
I'm still doing the Dawnguard quest chain, i'm just about to head into the Castle Courtyard.
At first i thought Serana could only mule stuff around for me because she wouldnt equip any gear i gave her. I ran around Blackreach for about an hour and she had her default look even though i had some random heavy/light armor in her inventory. Then while zoning in and out of some area, i noticed she equipped the armor.
So my question is this is it safe for me to give Serana her permanent gear set? or do i have to wait until i complete the full Dawnguard chain? I already crafted a legendary set of glass armor for her, i just need to enchant it. If i give her that armor set now will she leave me some time during the Dawnguard quest chain, then rejoin me later on, but WITHOUT the armor i gave her? or will her inventory carry over until i am able to make her my permanent follower?